Famous Polish inventors and their inventions KEROSENE LAMP Ignacy Łukasiewicz (1822-1882) was a Polish pharmacist and inventor of the first method of.


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Presentation transcript:

Famous Polish inventors and their inventions

KEROSENE LAMP Ignacy Łukasiewicz ( ) was a Polish pharmacist and inventor of the first method of distilling kerosene from seep oil. He was the founder of the Polish oil industry and one of the pioneers of oil industry in the world. Among his achievements were the discovery of the refining of kerosene from crude oil,kerosene lamp,the founding of the first oil well and the building of the first oil refinery. Throughout his life Łukasiewicz became a wealthy man and one of the most prominent philanthropists in Galicia (Central Europe). Because of his support for the economical development of the region, a popular saying was coined attributing all paved roads to his guldens.

Kerosene lamp Ignacy Łukasiewicz

SAFETY SEAT FOR CHILDREN Janusz Liberkowski is the winner of the first season of the show American Inventor. His invention was the safety seat for children. He works as a mechanical engineer in San Jose, California. The safety seat is just one of his inventions; he owns 8 other patents. The death of his daughter Anecia sparked him to invent a safety seat for children. Besides winning a million dollars on American Inventor, he was given an offer from Evenflo for the implementation of his product.

BULLET-PROOF FABRIC Jan Szczepanik was a Polish inventor. Szczepanik held several hundred patents and made over 50 discoveries, many of which are still used today, especially in motion picture industry, photography and television. Some of the ideas influenced the development of television, such as telectroscope (apparatus for tele-reproduction of images and sound using electricity) or the wireless telegraph, which greatly influenced the development of telecommunications. Szczepanik was granted awards by royal courts. Spanish ruler Alfonso XIII awarded him an order for creating a bullet-proof fabric, whereas emperor Franz Josef I relieved him from the mandatory military service, and, fascinated with a photosculptor (apparatus for copying sculptures), gave him a pair of pistols as a souvenir.

Jan Szczepanik Bullet-proof

WINDSCREEN WIPERS Józef Hofman was a Polish inventor. One of his inventions was a windscreen wiper. A windscreen wiper is a device used to wipe rain and dirt from a windscreen. Almost all automobiles are equipped with windscreen wipers, often by legal requirement. Though confusingly, some legal systems require wipers without requiring a windscreen. Wipers can also be fitted to other vehicles, such as buses, trams, locomotives, aircraft and ships.