COMPUTER Science & Engineering Scalable Fault-Tolerant Networking: Re-evaluating The Network Layer Michalis Faloutsos Srikanth Krishnamurthy C.V. Ravishankar Jakob Eriksson
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop2 Security and Reliability Challenges l Security vs. fault tolerance vs. performance lA security enhancement creates new vulnerabilities m Example: if we allow collaborative blocking of attacker, a new attack is to collaborative block good guys lScalability is critical m Self-configuration m Distributed solutions m Localization of overhead lNetwork operation as a control-theory loop lNet. management and planning as a data mining problem m How many nodes are within 200m of each other? (Ravishankar, FTN)
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop3 The Vision: What Lies Ahead lMeganode networking m Pockets of wireless connectivity m Community based connectivity (rural areas) m Commercial interest: Starbucks, European cell phone companies lUbiquitous and plug-n-play connectivity lDistributed peer-to-peer approach: m No central control, no single point of failure
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop4 PROBLEM: Are We Ready For This? lNow is the time to pop the question: m How would we design a network from scratch? lThe Principle: the IP address is also the ID of a node! m Initial Internet design does not consider mobility! m Problems: mobile IP, multicast routing, dynamic address allocation m Routing information cannot scale: BGP routing entries
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop5 PeerNet: a Novel Network Layer lThe innovation: separate node identity from address m Analogy: postal service ID = name, address = street address lNot an overlay: An alternative to the IP Network Layer lPartially funded under DARPA FTN application transport Network Link physical application transport Network Link physical
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop6 PeerNet: The Overview lThe innovation: permanent nodeID =/= transient address lThe address reflects network location lConsequences: m Routing is simplified: given address, I know where you are m Nodes with similar addresses are “near” each other lChallenges: m Address allocation: When I move, change the address m ID to Address mapping: Given an ID, find the address
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop7 The Address Tree in PeerNet lAddressed can be though of as leafs in a binary tree lAddress = network location m Nodes of a subtree are a connected subgraph lAddress reallocation and tree balancing
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop8 How Routing Works lScalability through information abstraction lCheck destination address one bit a time lRoute packet to the appropriate subtree m Routing state: O(log N) for a well balanced tree
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop9 Important PeerNet Characteristics lEfficient scalable support for multicasting and anycasting m Exploit the virtual address tree to “establish” a multicast tree lLoop-free routing m Efficient loop-avoidance (log N bits per path)
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop10 Open Issues lSecurity and authentication in a purely distributed world lDynamic control loop: m Topology -> Address allocation -> Movement - lEvaluate performance in realistic scenarios
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop11 Conclusions lSecurity as the result of well engineered system m Efficiency, scalable, self-organizing lTime to re-evaluate our network architecture m Future networks =/= static Internet lOur approach: a new network layer m Address =/= identity m Address = network location lPeerNet: this could work! m An implementation is on its way
COMPUTER Science & Engineering DARPA Workshop12 Thank you