Leanne Cameron Round table No 1 Collaborative learning in schools: A round-table discussion
Leanne Cameron Round table No 2 Marc Prensky (Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants) Today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently. Teachers are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.
Leanne Cameron Round table No 3 They parallel process and multi-task; they prefer random access; Non-linear learning, multi-tasking – how do teachers cope when this is incompatible with current teaching practice. Primary versus Secondary schools (have a look at the ICT success stories)
Leanne Cameron Round table No 4 And they function best when networked. So how does effective learning take place now?
Leanne Cameron Round table No 5 Let’s “talk” about it. Dr Kenn Fisher, Rubida Research Pty Ltd.
Leanne Cameron Round table No 6 Dr Kenn Fisher, Rubida Research Pty Ltd. Consciously make the move to learner centred learning
Leanne Cameron Round table No 7 Back to the Future Learning by questioning (Socrates) Learning by doing (Piaget, Papert) Learning in the company of others (Wenger) Learning through dialogue (Vygotsky, Mercer) Learning through reflection (Dewey, Jarvis) Dr Kenn Fisher, Rubida Research Pty Ltd.
Leanne Cameron Round table No 8 The answer is … Effective classroom discussions … but how realistic is this?
Leanne Cameron Round table No 9 The reality: in a class group of approximately 30 students, at most only 6-7 students contributed regularly the remainder (the majority) did not actively participate attempts by the teacher to include “the silent majority” were often met with an embarrassed silence as a result, we are using online discussions
Leanne Cameron Round table No 10 Spaces themselves are agents for change. Changed spaces will change practice. This link sends you off to a website. Click on the TEAL video link to see the presentation