Cameron Yourkowski Renewable Northwest Project Integration of Intermittent Renewable Resources NASUCA Seattle, WA June, 2013
Renewable Northwest Project (RNP) Objective: Promote the responsible development of renewable energy Geography: OR, WA, ID, MT Members: Business, non-profit, academic
Overview: Renewables Growth Integration Challenges Integration Solutions Scheduling (“shorter is better”) Forecasting (“don’t be afraid to de-commit”) BAA Coordination (“strength through diversity”) Market Formation (“build it and they will come”)
Renewable Projects in the Northwest 2012
BPA Wind Ramp:
Northwest Market Structure No Organized Markets No Ancillary Service Market Hourly Schedule Reliance on single resource (hydro) No forecast of balancing reserve needs
Problems & Solutions: Problems Cost DSO 216 Solutions Shorter Scheduling Forecasting Needs/De-Committing reserves Diversity BAA Cooperation Market Formation
Scheduling & Forecasting
Wind Diversity
Energy Imbalance Market
Conclusion “demand a response” EIM and Demand Response