Zeak T. Naifeh Director of Student Activities Cameron University MLK Day of Service
Planning Process Formed a Committee ▫Dean of Students ▫Director of Student Activities ▫Director of Student Development ▫2 students ▫Director of United Way ▫City of Lawton Representative ▫MLK Celebration Committee Representative Started meeting in October Meet every two weeks and then more as needed
Planning Process Website ▫Used for volunteers to sign up online ▫Tracked: Special skills, number of volunteers per group, any request for projects, any limitations, etc. ▫Gave general and updated information about the day as it came closer to time
Finding Projects Brainstormed list of ideas and contacts the group new of Used local United Way Narrowed the list down Contacted each agency on the list Pre visit to see what exact work would need to be done and number of volunteers Revisited past locations- big projects ▫Boys and Girls Club- cleaners, organizers, helpers Made a list of goals at each site
Projects- sample Boys and Girls Club Lawton Food Bank Children’s Shelter Habitat for Humanity Salivation Army Battered Women’s Shelter Cameron Campus- i.e. painting fire hydrants
Recruiting Volunteers s List serves Flyers Phone Calls Personal visits Student Organizations ▫Any special talents- i.e. Art Guild City of Lawton Youth Services Coordinator s
Volunteer Sources PLUS Athletics SGA/PAC Housing CU Faculty/Staff Student Organizations Greeks Lawton/Ft. Sill Community Family Members
Planning Process Set registration deadline ▫Or else its on going and never ending, but build in some flexibility for those who just show up Matched volunteers to sites Follow up s/calls to each volunteer periodically and then days before to verify Held an organization day Friday before the actual day with team leads Each site needs a team lead who has been involved in the process- student/faculty/staff/community
Funding/Budget 2009 ▫Grant- $1,000 Used to buy materials for project site ▫Salivation Army- $1,000 ▫University Cash-$875 Food, drinks, promotion Things that directly benefited the students ▫University In-Kind- $1,015 Transportation, staff time ▫Total Spent- $2,875
Funding/Budget 2010 ▫Grant- $500 Used to buy materials for project sites ▫University Cash-$1,038 Food, drinks, promotion Things that directly benefited the students ▫Local Lumber Co. Donation- $257 of supplies ▫Carpet Co.- $175 of carpet ▫University In-Kind- $2,660 Transportation, staff time ▫Sites purchased their own supplies/materials ▫Total Spent- $1,538
Carrying out the projects Met with each site several weeks out to see how many volunteers they would actually need and to verify the actual project(s) Had a CU staff member at each site Hospitality crew to check on each site Hired photographer to document the day’s activities
Documenting Keep track of numbers, especially if you have grant funding Get photo releases/labiality waver ▫We did on sign in sheet Hard to get everyone to sign in, that’s why it is important to have team leads Feedback, still working on a good system
Misc. Safety Issues ▫Some we turned down due to skill level, etc. Seek out other sources of funding ▫Most agencies don’t have the money to do most projects Great with publicity ▫Great for CU ▫Helped with future years Tie it in with something ▫We invited the volunteers to our afternoon MLK Celebration panel presentation Reflection at lunch ▫Something easy to facilitate Video presentation of pictures
Results 2009 ▫275 unduplicated volunteers 185 college 35 faculty/staff 10 adult community 45 youth community 1,598 volunteers hours ▫1 project site ▫8-1:30
Results 2010 ▫394 unduplicated volunteers 241 college 34 faculty/staff 38 adult community 81 youth community 1,970 volunteers hours ▫16 project sites ▫8-1
Questions & Answers
Contact Information Zeak T. Naifeh Director of Student Activities Cameron University