Leadership: Questions for Thought 1)Why do few lead and many follow? (Reinhard Bendix) 2)Does leadership always matter? If so, explain why, and if not, under what conditions will leadership not affect performance? 3)Are you a leader? Why or why not?
Today’s Class Outline 1)Review basic theories of leadership 2)Discuss a few core leadership skills Power and Influence Decision making Communications 3) Discuss Whetten and Cameron skills model for leadership training—Assessment, Learning, Analysis (case), Practice, and Application 4) Design a Leadership Training Program.
Whettern and Cameron Management Skills Model Assessment Learning Analysis (cases) Skill Practice Skill Application
Whetten and Cameron Managerial Skills Topics Self Awareness Stress Management Solving problems analytically and creatively Building relationships through supportive communication Gaining Power and Influence Motivating others Managing Conflict Empowering and Delegating Building Effective Teams and Teamwork Leading Positive Change