1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Beam Position Monitor System Om Singh Instrumentation Group Leader ASAC Review - October 22-23, 2009
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Injector RF BPM Button Storage Ring RF BPM Button RF BPM Electronics Photon BPM
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Injector RF BPM buttons 4 Injection BPMs Qty Beam pipe dimension Cal Factor K x,K y *Peak PUE *Power level after 10 MHz BW filter Gun/ Linac340 mm cir V-13 dBm LTB Transport 540 mm cir V-13 dBm LTB Transport 140 x 90 mm182.8 V-14 dBm BTS Transport 625 x 40 mm114.4 V-10 dBm Booster2425 x 40 mm114.4 V-10 dBm Resolution Requirement 1. High charge (15nC) 30 microns 2. Low charge (0.05 nC) 300 microns Simulation shows15 mm diameter buttons will meet resolution requirement BPM electronics - commercial or in-house * Multi-bunch mode with 0.1 nC per bunch; = 15 ps; C b = 2.5 pF Pinayev Padrazo
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Injector RF BPM buttons - continued Pinayev Padrazo Kosciuk 40x90 mm LTB beampipe 40x40 mm LTB beampipe Sensitivity and power level calculations completed 15 mm dia RF buttons assembly design in progress Completion schedule – 1 st Article 6/2010; Production 6/2011
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF BPM TypesQty 1.Multi-Pole Chamber RF BPMs (LA)6 per cell = Total Insertion Device Chamber RF BPMs (SA)2 or 3 per ID SR RF BPMs Location in a Cell
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF Cable Junction Box – SR Tunnel Junction box – to interconnect and to house passive components SiO2 cables buttons LMR-240 used from box to rack DellaPenna Kosciuk
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR RF BPM Button Design – Trapped Mode Optimization Bunch Gaussian BW ( =15psec) Freq of trapped mode (r=3.5mm) Relative voltage induced I. Pinayev, A. Blednykh, P. Cameron, B. Bacha NSLS-II button geometry 7 mm dia; 16mm hor sep
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR RF BPM Button Design – Heating Optimization FEA Thermal Simulation Kosciuk Cameron 1 st Article Unit
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR RF BPM Buttons Procurement Status Acquisition Status for large aperture (BLA) buttons (7mm dia) First articles received and acceptance tests completed August 09 Contract for 460 pieces awarded Sep 2009 Production schedule Dec 2009 – June 2010 Acquisition Status for small aperture (BSA) buttons (4mm dia) Engineering drawing, Specification, and SOW complete – Mar 2010 Contract Awarded - Apr 2010; Receive first articles – Jul 2010 Acceptance testing, go-ahead to vendor for production – Sep 2010 Order complete – Dec 2010 P. Cameron
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Resonance Modes in Multipole Chamber (3.05m) Measurement Set-up Resonance modes can reside inside or too close to BPM pass band frequency – not good Resonance Modes could effect BPM performance and requires to be suppressed or moved out of BPM band BPM Frequency Pass Band 492 – 508 MHz Blednykh Hseuh Ferreira Bacha Blednykh Hseuh Ferreira Bacha Use RF shield installed with modified NEG carriers in the ante-chamber Shield located 147 mm from beam center – away from SR Shield 500 mm long with 300 mm spacing – shifts F o to > 530 MHz Working on robust installation scheme – Review committee - 9/25/ RF Shields
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF BPM ELECTRONICS 2/2009 – Completed evaluation of Libera, Bergoz and APS BPM electronics. Libera meets NSLS-II baseline technical requirements 4/ Shifted to evaluate other requirements - exposed several issues i. Utilizes ~10 year old Virtex-2 FPGA technology - Virtex-6 is current ii. Insufficient capability for future application software – No room to grow iii. Cumbersome to manage future upgrades – FPGA source not given to NSLS-II iv. Limited Itech support for a quick response at Brookhaven – Located in Slovenia v. AFE Crossbar switching improves drift compensation, but adds complications for TBT and fast orbit feedback data. vi. Expensive - $13,500 each (NSLS-II qty – 250) 6/2009 – Attended Libera User Workshop at ESRF – mixed responses 7/2009 – Motivated to evaluate an in-house BPM development & production 10/2009 – Planning & design in advanced stage 12/2009 – Make or buy decision finalized
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II RF BPM In-house Design Plan – 7/2009 Objective Design and build in-house RF BPM’s for the Injection system and Storage Ring Development Approach Multi-phase development Parallel development of AFE and DFE System Integration Testing and Analysis Beam Test Iterate for performance optimization Dedicated Lab Challenges Aggressive schedule SR Stability Requirements SR Resolution Requirements BPM Development Team K. Vetter – A. DellaPenna J. DeLong K. Ha Y. Hu B. Kosciuk J. Mead – BNL Instrumentation S. Orban I. Pinayev Y. Tian
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF BPM Prototype - Physical Architecture (7/2009) ADC Calibration BPF Fixed Point DSP + Cal Control Interface Raw Data First Turn T-B-T (10KHz) Post Mortem Raw Data Slow Acquisition ADC Clock ADC Clock ADC BPF ADC BPF ADC BPF AFE Virtex-5 FOFB DFE A B C D Memory DDR2 SDRAM AFE - Under Sampling (initial proposed concept) - Factory Calibration (gain, temperature) - Dynamic Calibration DFE - Fixed Point Digital Signal Processing, Position calculation, PU Linearization - Embedded Eventlink - Digitally Assisted AFE Calibration Factory Calibration – Remove Systematic Errors Dynamic Calibration – Remove Drift - Communication Links InterLock High Speed, Impedance Controlled Differential Connector (LVDS) Slow Data & Control Timing InterLock
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Spectrum with Calibration Duplexer Frequency multiplex RF Signal from pickup with continuous calibration tone. Cal tone tracks RF Signal passband Insertion Loss by virtue of Monolithic Distributed design Currently working with vendors to optimize filter response, cost, and complexity Bessel/Gaussian 5 th -order Transitional filter (e.g Gaussian to -3/-6dB, Chebychev) under investigation for RF Signal passband Bessel, Butterworth and Chebychev response under investigation for Pilot-Tone passband RF Duplexer Theoretical Response Target Rejection = 60dB RF Signal Passband Cal Tone Passband K. Vetter
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Calibration Concept #1 - (Out-of-Band Pilot Tone via RF Duplexer) Benefits Continuous Real-Time Calibration No perturbations to signal path Inherent Built-In Test dB Gain Balance Required for 200nm k=10mm K. Vetter In-Tunnel hardware
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF BPM Prototype Development Plan (7/2009) AFE DFE Beam Test
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES RF BPM Development Status – 10/2009 Started RF BPM development – July 2009 RF BPM architecture in mature stage (next slide) DFE Board Schematic 90% complete. Board layout to begin this month 1-month ahead of schedule Developing Requirements for custom RF Duplexer - Complete in November 2009 ADC Evaluation started. Evaluating performance of four Candidate ADCs RF BPM Thermal Analysis started Highly desirable to have passive cooling (no fans) Take advantage of the temperature control rack capable of ±0.1°C stability Establish convective heat transfer coefficient inside the rack via accurate FEA study. With accurate boundary conditions and preliminary board layout, predict operating temperatures of FPGA and other electronic components. Start AFE layout in December 2009 Preliminary chassis layout in advance stage – more later Power supply requirements 85% complete RF BPM Development space – Lab acquired; Test equipment procurement in progress K. Vetter
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II RF BPM Architecture – 10/2009 Bandpass Sampling 16b ADCs Sample Rate ~ 113MHz Xilinx Virtex-5 10KHz 10Hz Embedded PC with Linux OS Embedded Floating-Pt coprocessor Embedded EventLink 128Mbyte DDR2 Active Calibration for long- term drift Factory Calibration to remove systematic errors DFE platform adaptable to other NSLS-2 applications
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II BPM Mechanical Concept Same chassis as Power Supply Interface (PSI), PS Regulator Module, and Cell Controller Same chassis as Power Supply Interface (PSI), PS Regulator Module, and Cell Controller SFP Communication Ports RF SMA Connectors Triggers Modular Approach - separate AFE, DFE DFE AFE Kosciuk Orban Tian Kosciuk Orban Tian
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES X-BPM Concept Invar based High stability stand Translation stages Photo Emission Type XBPM assembly B. Kosciuk P. Ilinski B. Kosciuk P. Ilinski
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 22 Typical Front End Configuration – XBPMs Shown Slow Gate Valve Photon Shutter XBPM 1 Fast Gate Valve Ratchet Wall Collimator Dual Safety Shutters Safety Shutter Collimator Collimator Fixed Aperture Mask XBPM 2 Bending Magnet photon shutter X-Y Slits Ion Pumps with TSPs Ion Pump with TSP Ion Pump Lead Shield Shrama Doom Shrama Doom
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SUMMARY Injector RF button design in progress. Button delivery on schedule SR RF buttons – Design completed including heating optimization 1 st article accepted successfully; Production delivery starts 12/2009 Resonance modes solution in progress; SR shield review held; recommendations are being evaluated NSLS-II RF BPM Electronics – Evaluated BPM electronics Libera meets technical requirements, but falls short in several other areas In-house design study in progress; prototype test with beam 4/2010 Installation schedule will be met with in-house BPM electronics
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Acknowledgment B. Bacha, A. Blednykh, A. Borrelli, P. Cameron, W. Cheng, L.B. Dalesio, J. De Long, P. Ilinski, A.J. Della Penna, L. Doom, M. Ferreira, G. Ganetis, W. Guo, H-C Hseuh, E.D. Johnson, B.N. Kosciuk, S.L. Kramer, S. Krinsky, F. Lincoln, C. Longo, W. Louie, J. Mead, S. Orban, D. Padrazo, I. Pinayev, J. Ricciardelli, G. Shen, S. Sharma, J. Skaritka, C. Spataro, T. Tanabe, Y. Tian, K. Vetter, W. Wilds, F.J. Willeke, L-H Yu
26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Rogue Mode Requirements - (From RF BPM Perspective) K. Vetter
27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Acceptance Testing of the 5 First Article Buttons Dimensional verification and leak checking done at the vendor’s facility. The following acceptance testing completed at BNL 1.Vacuum Group - leak check, bake, leak check – <2* std.cc/sec 2.Central Shops - dimensions verified using CMM (coordinate measuring machine) 3.Diagnostics Group Capacitance – ~4pF, divided evenly between button and feedthru (one assembly shipped without buttons to permit this measurement) Contact insertion and withdrawal force Leakage resistance and voltage holdoff VSWR Trapped mode frequency (avoid the RF harmonics) and Q Thermal response to button heating In addition, Central Shops sectioned one assembly (wire EDM) to permit inspection of internal construction details.
28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Button Assembly 001, and Test Fixtures trapped mode frequency measurementSMA contact insertion force measurement Bacha Cameron Kosciuk