Cameron County Conservation District
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Erosion is natural, so what’s the deal? Accelerated Erosion is not natural – man’s activities in moving earth increase natural erosion rates. Runoff from construction activities carry organic and inorganic materials into receiving streams.
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law Federal Clean Water Act Chapter 102 –Erosion Control National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Court Decisions Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Court Decisions
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Earthmoving (construction activities) shall be conduct in such a way as to prevent accelerated erosion and resulting sedimentation. A landowner, person or municipality engaged in earthmoving shall develop, implement and maintain erosion and sedimentation (E&S) control measures.
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations E&S measures shall be set forth (illustrated or demonstrated) in an erosion and sedimentation control plan (E&S Plan). Agricultural is not excluded from this regulation! Plowing and tilling is covered, but the demonstration or illustration is termed “conservation plan.”
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Any construction activity disturbing square feet requires a written plan. Any c0nstruction activity (defined by EPA) for commercial, residential, or industrial development having a “point source discharge” is required to obtain a NPDES Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities.”
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Okay, what’s a “ point source discharge?” Through the Federal Clean Water Act, EPA defines a point source a discernible, discreet discharge to a surface or non-surface water. A surface water is any swale, ditch or channel, man-made or natural. And basically, a non- surface water is anything else.
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations What goes into an E&S Plan: - Topographic Features - Types, depths, slopes and extent of soils - Proposed earthmoving -Amount of runoff from upstream area and construction activity -Staging (squence) of construction activity -Permanent and temporary E&S Controls
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations What goes into an E&S Plan: - MAINTENANCE …..!!!!! E&S Controls are installed an forgotten. Most approved E&S Plans perform well, but lack of maintenance ensures problems for contractor, owner and compliance agencies.
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations What are E&S Controls? - Limiting exposed earth - Diverting clean water around work area - Control velocity in channels (1.5-feet per second) -Stabilization of slopes, channels, ditches or other disturbed areas as soon as possible. - Temporary seeding and mulching -Collecting and treating construction runoff - Removal of solids before discharge
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations C0ntrol Facilities: - Diversion Terraces Temporary terraces = 1.6 CFS Permanent terraces = 2.75 CFS - Channels Velocity = 1.5 FSP Rock-lined or vegetation
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Sedimentation Basins: - 7,000-cubic feet per acre of project - sediment storage of 5000-cubic per acre - Outlets designed to pass 2-cubic feet per acre - basin must discharge to natural waterway - basin must be structurally sound
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations How does Cameron County Conservation District fit into this? Chapter 102, Section (Administration): - PA DEP may delegate the administration and enforcement of this Chapter to counties or other unit of local government, provided the unit is approved and qualified by the Department
Chapter 102 Rules and Regulations Federally required NPDES Permits are tied into Chapter 102. NPDES Permits are specifically covered by Chapter 92 Rules and Regulations Impetus for E&S Plans and Stormwater Management is Water Quality….!!!!