The Jazz Age
The Automobile A. Henry Ford was a pioneer in the manufacture of affordable automobiles. B. Used the assembly line to mass produce the automobile C. The popularity of the car had an impact on American society. 1. offered greater mobility 2. created jobs 3. encouraged the growth of other transportation industries (road construction, oil, steel, rubber, glass, and tourism) D. Allowed people to move to suburbs E. Detroit MI became the automobile manufacturing center of the world.
The Airplane A. Inventors experimented with engine powered aircraft in the 1800s B. Age of air travel did not begin until 1903 at Kitty Hawk, NC C. Orville and Wilbur Wright built a wood-and- canvas plane with a 12 horsepower engine. D. On the morning of December 17 th, 1903, Orville Wright took off in their plane and flew 120 feet.
Communication Changes A. The telephone 1. Invented by Alexander Graham Bell 2. Telephones become very popular and common in American homes A. The radio 1. Guglielmo Marconi is given credit for developing the radio 2. The radio brought entertainment into people’s homes: news, concerts, sporting events, and comedies. Businesses used it for advertising. 3. David Sarnoff - pioneer of American commercial radio and television. He founded the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and throughout most of his career he led the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in various capacities from shortly after its founding in 1919 until his retirement in radiotelevision National Broadcasting CompanyRadio Corporation of Americaradiotelevision National Broadcasting CompanyRadio Corporation of America A. Movies 1. Developed by Thomas Edison 2. the 1920s motion picture industry in Hollywood, CA became one of the country’s leading businesses. Movies offered entertainment and escape. 3. the first movie with sound was introduced in 1927.
Electricity A. Technology made industrial growth possible and electricity powered American industry. B. Before World War I, only 30 percent of factories were run by electricity. By 1929, 70% were using electricity. It was cheaper than steam power. C. As electricity became more available, the demand for new electric appliances grew: refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, vacuum cleaners. D. People began to use electricity to light their homes. (due to Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb) E. Radios can now be used in the home
By 1929, over 70% of American factories were being run by 1. Steam Power 2. Coal 3. Electricity 4. Nuclear power
__________________was a pioneer in the manufacture of affordable automobiles. 1. Alexander Graham Bell 2. Guglielmo Marconi 3. Thomas Edison 4. Henry Ford
Who is given credit for developing the radio? 1. Guglielmo Marconi 2. Thomas Edison 3. David Sarnoff 4. Henry Ford
Participant Scores 300 Jessica Allen 300 Christina Floyd 300 Carson Aud 300 Cameron Shah 300 Michaela Beidler 300 Austin Shumate 300 Page Bowles 300 Erica Snook 300 Kyle Brown 300 Madison Whitesell 300 Mitchell Conley 200 Brandon Estes 300 Josh Conyers 200 Matt Jones 300 Taylor Conyers 200 Tori Leche 300 Seth Cross 200 Renna Nouwairi 300 Tiffany Fisher 200 Brandon Vandevander
What method was used to mass produce the automobile? 1. Scientific Management 2. Assembly Line 3. Robotics 4. None of the above
How did the automobile impact American society? 1. Created jobs 2. Gave people greater mobility 3. Led to the growth of other industries 4. #1 and #2 5. #1, #2, and #3
As electricity became more available in people’s homes, the demand for new appliances grew. 1. True 2. False
Participant Scores 600 Jessica Allen 600 Erica Snook 600 Carson Aud 600 Madison Whitesell 600 Michaela Beidler 500 Josh Conyers 600 Page Bowles 500 Tiffany Fisher 600 Kyle Brown 500 Tori Leche 600 Mitchell Conley 500 Cameron Shah 600 Taylor Conyers 500 Brandon Vandevander 600 Seth Cross 400 Brandon Estes 600 Christina Floyd 400 Matt Jones 600 Austin Shumate 400 Scott Morris
Which city became the automobile manufacturing center of the world? 1. Chicago IL 2. Richmond VA 3. Detroit MI 4. Pittsburgh PA
Who is given credit for the first flight in an airplane? 1. The Wright Brothers 2. Henry Ford 3. Chuck Yeager 4. Charles Lindbergh
This person was a pioneer of commercial radio and television and founded the National Broadcasting Company. 1. Guglielmo Marconi 2. David Sarnoff 3. Walter Cronkite 4. Dan Rather
Participant Scores 900 Jessica Allen 900 Madison Whitesell 900 Carson Aud 800 Josh Conyers 900 Michaela Beidler 800 Tiffany Fisher 900 Page Bowles 800 Christina Floyd 900 Kyle Brown 800 Tori Leche 900 Mitchell Conley 800 Cameron Shah 900 Taylor Conyers 700 Brandon Estes 900 Seth Cross 700 Matt Jones 900 Austin Shumate 700 Scott Morris 900 Erica Snook 700 Renna Nouwairi
In what year did the Wright brothers have their first successful flight?
Participant Scores 1000 Page Bowles 900 Michaela Beidler 1000 Kyle Brown 900 Josh Conyers 1000 Mitchell Conley 900 Tiffany Fisher 1000 Taylor Conyers 900 Christina Floyd 1000 Seth Cross 900 Tori Leche 1000 Austin Shumate 900 Cameron Shah 1000 Erica Snook 800 Brandon Estes 1000 Madison Whitesell 800 Matt Jones 900 Jessica Allen 800 Scott Morris 900 Carson Aud 800 Renna Nouwairi