Networking Strategies for Introverts Carole Cameron The Secret of “Innies” and “Outies”
Perceptions and misconceptions Introversion; What is it? In the Workplace Networking Strategies Q&A
Perceptions and Misconceptions
Introversion; What is it REALLY?
Introversion and Extraversion are all about…
PSYCHOLOGICAL The acquisition and distribution of
Extraverts Those with a preference for extraversion get their energy from things external to themselves. Sights, sounds, people, conversations, activities They also tend to direct their energy and attention outwardly.
Extraverts Prefer to communicate verbally Work out ideas by talking them through Are sociable and expressive Will seek out action and activities that involve conversation and connecting
Introverts Those with a preference for introversion get their energy from things internal to themselves. Thoughts, reflection, quiet time, alone time They tend to direct their energy and attention inwardly.
Introverts Prefer to communicate in writing Work out ideas by reflecting on them Are more private and contained Will seek out more quiet and less crowded interpersonal interactions and opportunities for reflection
The Introversion/Extraversion Continuum: Where are You? I E
Common Challenges in the Workplace…
In the Workplace… Business tends to value and reward many behaviours which come more naturally to the Extravert.
In the Workplace… The Introvert’s “best stuff” tends to be on the inside, not naturally showcased.
In the Workplace… Overlooked Underestimated Misunderstood
The Good News for Introverts in the Workplace…
Networking Strategies for Introverts SEEN HEARD REMEMBERED
What is networking? Who’s in your network? What kind of things can you use your network for? In Broad Terms…..
While Extraverts are quite comfortable Initiating Introverts are more comfortable Responding Introvert “Truth” #1
Success Strategies: Respond to others’ requests for information, advice, expertise Use on-line networking and social media (but don’t limit yourself to it!) Initiate by asking great questions then relax and listen
Great Networking Questions Remember, you are working towards forming a relationship, not making a sale What do you like best about what you do? What got you started in that business? Where else do you usually network? What business books are you reading now? Does your business involve travel? What do you find challenging in your work? How can I help you?
Success Strategies: Respond to others’ requests for information, advice, expertise Use on-line networking and social media but don’t limit yourself to it Initiate by asking great questions then relax and listen Look positive, interested and approachable.
Look Positive, Interested and Approachable Be aware of the stories your body is telling! Open body language Smile and make eye contact Great posture Good handshake Act like you’re having a good time!
While Extraverts shine In groups Introverts shine One-on-one Introvert “Truth” #2
Success Strategies: Even though a networking function seems to be a “group”, remember every interaction is a “one-on-one”. You are “farming” vs “hunting”. Have a short, pleasant one-on-one interaction with a few people.
While Extraverts tend to Speak, then think Introverts tend to Think, then speak Introvert “Truth” #3
Success Strategies: You are much more comfortable and effective when you have had time to think about what you are going to say. Anticipate who you’ll be seeing and prepare some questions and comments Have answers prepared for questions like “What’s new and exciting?” “How can I help you?”
Extraverts prefer to communicate Verbally Introverts prefer to communicate In Writing Introvert “Truth” #4
Success Strategies: Submit articles to trade publications and local papers Use and social media to introduce people in your network Send thank you/nice to meet you s Send an article of interest to your network Pick up the phone (ouch)
Spotting an Introvert May pause when responding or giving information May break eye contact more frequently Give you the “short story” vs the long story Reflect silently vs out loud Deflect the attention back to you Speak more quietly and slowly Probably won’t interrupt you Won’t stand too close to you Won’t share personal information right away
Q & A
Living and Working Well with Introverts TIPS DON’Ts DOs
Remember, Extraverts… Someone you know, respect, and interact with every day is an introvert and you are probably driving this person nuts.
Networking Strategies for Introverts Carole Cameron The Secret of “Innies” and “Outies”