Mathematicans By: Cameron Wells
Pictures for Days.
Pythagoras Considered to be one of the 1 st great mathematicans. Lived in Modern day Greece. Lived from 570 to 495 B.C Founded Pythagorean cult.
Pythagoras Commonly credited with the Pythagorean theorem within Trigonometry. Founding father of mathematics.
Issac Newton Shares honor of being the 'inventor' of modern infinitesimal calculus. Made monolithic contributions to the field. Was the earliest form of a genius.
Maria Agnesi Lived from She was Italian/Milan. She was the oldest of 21 children!!! Child prodigy from the beginning in Math & Language. She wrote a textbook on Math by herself to teach her brothers.
Maria Agnesi Her book went on to be a regulated Math book. She was the first woman appointed a university professor of math, though theres doubt she took up that seat.
Heres a couple Math meme's... ;)