Lion By: Cameron
How do they look? The lion looks almost like a cat. Lions have a tawny yellowish brown fur. They have tufts on the end of their tail.
Tell about the size of your animal. Males are 5 to 8 feet long. females are 4’/2 to 5’/2feet long. They can weigh about 500 pounds.
Habitat They live in savannas with thick brush. They are found in Africa and some parts of India.
Food They eat antelopes, zebra, and other hoofed animals. They hunt for their food.
Facts A male lion roar can be heard up to five miles away. Females do most of the hunting. The largest lion weighed almost 900 pounds.
Resources National geographic for kids: hTTP: // kids. National geographic. com
All about the author Hi my name is Cameron. I have an Xbox. It is fun. I have a bowling game. I love life.