1 Distributed e-Learning – Phase II Sharing online resources in History, Classics & Archaeology Sonja Cameron Manager The Subject Centre
Sonja Cameron 2 The Bid Taking into account ‘lack of opportunity and incentive’ and aiming to provide it … over to you Based on Survey results indicating desire to share
Sonja Cameron 3 The Grant Collection of online resources Creation of online resources Dissemination
Sonja Cameron 4 Collection of online resources Give us what you have! £150 for suitable “Reusable learning objects” – RLO = Asset
Sonja Cameron 5 For example Image or text and associated tutorial questions –Include: detailed guidance how and when to use the resource recommendation on the assessment process short description covering likely benefits and pitfalls –Important: must be self-contained Individual components can be disaggregated and reused resource will be accessible to all members of our subject communities
Sonja Cameron 6 For example + pedagogical framework / structure (IOS report)
Sonja Cameron 7 Creation of online resources Give us more! Inspiration sought! 5 larger online ‘modules’ Modules = miniprojects = exemplars Up to £3,000 each could address specific issues raised in the survey: –guidance for students to evaluate web resources –teaching students to analyse visual material –investigation of assessment processes of online learning
Sonja Cameron 8 Suggestions? We have some ideas, but would prefer to hear yours. Ideas for sharing Ideas for creating Things we should bear in mind Discipline-specific issues?