Elizabeth McHugh UHI Electronic Resources Manager Implementing Electronic Resources in the UHI Millennium Institute: The Challenges
UHI Electronic Resources Manager New post: advertised March 2006 Appointed May 2006 Post holder started in post in June 2006 Previously librarian at Shetland College Responsibilities include: contract negotiation, budget management, training, accessibility of e-resources
The bright lights are the UHI campuses……...…and the little ones are learning centres
Shetland Coll. NAFC Marine Centre Orkney Coll. North Highland Lews Castle Moray Highland Theological Coll. Inverness Perth Argyll Scottish Ass. Marine Science Lochaber Sabhal Mor Ostaig EO
Scottish Assoc. of Marine Science Moray College Lews Castle College NAFC Marine Centre
UHI is… A federal distributed HEd. Institution Consists of 15 Academic Partner Institutions 4 Faculties 15 Subject Networks 12 libraries 2004/05: 3600 FTE students (approx.) On course to achieve University Title in
Students and their locations
UHI Employed Library staff Gillian Anderson UHI Librarian Catherine Saele Library Systems Manager Elizabeth McHugh Library E-Resources Manager Electronic Resources Manager Library Colleagues And on the next slide…
Academic Partner libraries team members Maureen Grant, NAFC Sam Emmott, Shetland College Anette Andersen, Orkney Rhona Mason, NHC Jessie Murray, Lews Castle Angie Mackenzie, Moray Martin Cameron, HTC Christine Cain, SMO Sue Cromar, Inverness Donald Maclean, Perth Olga Kimmins, SAMS Iain Fleming, Lochaber Liz Richardson, Argyll
Librarians & Subject networks Subject networks encompass all taught provision and carry some of the responsibilities done by departments in a traditional university Leadership lies with an Academic Partner Each Subject Network has a member of the UHI library team assigned to it as Subject Network Librarian. In e-resources context the librarians act as liaison between academic staff and Electronic Resources Manager and the subject network teaching staff.
taught from Orkney NHC Moray Lochaber Perth Argyll Education Subject Network Lead: Lews Castle College Not forgetting learning centres Subject Network Example
Implementing Collection Development / Electronic Resources Policy Collection Development: What subject areas to resource? Types of collections: Big Deals or individual subscriptions? Flexibility – annual or multi-year deals? Single / multi-site or full campus?
Challenges: Federated Structure E-Resource Suppliers Funding models Relationships Raising Awareness Resource allocation Learning Centres
Challenges: Federated Structure & Electronic Resource Suppliers Academic Partners have independent legal identities Electronic Resource Suppliers: Contracts - Campus V Site Training: Academics / Librarians: Distances Budgets
Challenges: Federated Structure & Raising Awareness What do academic staff want? Do staff and students know what is available - and where to find it? Accessibility… Marketing Training students – availability of staff and support materials
Challenges: The Dream… Access to electronic resources that is interlinked, interoperable and unified Using the Integrated Library System to facilitate access Populating the Virtual Learning Environment People knowing where the resources are available and how to use them
Solutions: The Future: Building Relationships With suppliers & outside agencies With AP library staff / technical staff With teaching staff : Reading lists; Virtual Learning Environments; Awareness Raising; Training Willingness to travel!
Thank you Elizabeth McHugh UHI Electronic Resources Manager Any Questions?