Objective: Summarize the events that have shaped Agricultural Education and FFA Your FFA Program
Structure of the FFA
North Lenoir FFA Chapter Tobacco Federation Southeast Region North Carolina FFA Association National FFA
National Officer Team Comprised of six student officers President Secretary Four Vice Presidents
Dr. Steve Brown Currently the National FFA Advisor Employed by the Department of Education
State FFA Officers Made up of six students from across North Carolina President Five Vice-Presidents
Southeast Regional FFA Officers Composed of at least six members from the region At least one officer is elected from each federation
Tobacco Federation At least 6 officers elected. You are in the Tobacco Federation It includes: Wayne County, Lenoir County, and Green County
North Lenoir FFA Officers President Andra Kite Vice President Loagen Wilson Secretary Trevoe Baca Treasurer Kevin Aycock Reporter Kyra Tyndall Sentinel Katherine Spence Historian Brannon Whaley Parliamentarian Cameron McAteer
FFA Officers and Stations
President Stationed by the rising sun Vice President Stationed by the plow Secretary Stationed by the ear of corn
FFA Officers and Stations Treasurer Stationed by the emblem of George Washington Reporter Stationed by the American Flag Sentinel Stationed by the door and the shield of friendship
FFA Officers and Stations The Advisor Stationed by the owl This office held by the agriculture teacher Minimum of six officers Additional officers may be established by the local chapter Chaplin Historian
Ceremonies Rituals conducted at each meeting Opening ceremony Closing ceremony You may view opening and closing ceremony by clicking on the following link: er/Pages/ChapterMeetings.aspx
Opening Ceremony- “All in Unison” President: “FFA members, why are we here?” All members say: “To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”
Closing Ceremony- The FFA Salute “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Types of FFA Membership Active Students in middle school, high school, and college (up to age 21) Alumni Former active members, parents of FFA members, and others interested in and supportive of FFA Collegiate Honorary Local, state and national levels
FFA Programs of Activities (POA) It is a plan that directs chapter activities (Every Organization Needs a Plan. It provides direction and accountability.) Activities are determined by the student membership of the local chapter It includes community service, leadership development, competitions, fundraising, ect.. Committees are appointed to carry out different areas of the POA.
Career Development Events Individual or team competitions for FFA members covering several subjects in agriculture and leadership Examples Parliamentary Procedure Public Speaking Agricultural Sales Land Judging You may find a complete list at efault.aspx
Conventions State FFA Convention Raleigh June National FFA Convention Louisville, Ky Late October
FFA Summer Recreational Camp State Leadership Conference North Carolina FFA Center (White Lake)
FFA Websites National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association