白 金 汉 宫白 金 汉 宫
白金汉宫 (Buckingham Palace )是英国的王宫。 建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园 ( St. James’ Park )的西边, 1703 年为白金汉公 爵所建而得名。 皇宫是一座四层正方体灰色建筑物,悬挂着王室 徽章的庄严的正门,是英皇权力的中心地,四周 围上栏杆,宫殿前面的广场有很多雕像,以及由 爱德华七世扩建完成的维多利亚女王纪念堂。 宫 内有典礼厅、音乐厅、宴会厅、画廊等六百余间 厅室,此外占地辽阔的御花园,花团锦簇、美不 胜收。
Picture: vladimirputin.su/osuur/Bu ckingham-Palace
Picture: David Iliff
Picture: David Baron
Picture: Christian Horcel
Picture: Steve F-E-Cameron
Picture: Corres
Picture: on_dit
Picture: Anon
Picture: Adrian Pingstone
Picture: Simdaperce
Photo credit: Michael Reeve Garden - Picture: Gryffindor
Grand Staircase - Picture: The British Monarchy 大阶梯
The Grand Staircase - Picture: The British Monarchy 大阶梯
The White Drawing Room - Picture: Joan Scobey 白色客厅
The White Drawing Room with Picture of Queen Alexandra - Picture: Dari 白色客厅里的亚历山德拉皇后画像
The White Drawing Room - Picture: Rebecca English/© PA 白色客厅
White Room - Picture: The British Monarchy 白色客厅
The White Drawing Room - Picture: Rebecca English/© Getty Images 白色客厅
Queen’s Gallery - Picture: The British Monarchy 女王的画廊
The State Dining Room – Pictur e: Nikola 大餐厅
State Dining Room - Picture: The British Monarchy 大餐厅
State Room - Picture: Rebexxa English 大厅
Music Room - Picture: Rebecca English/© PA 音乐厅
The Grand Staircase - Picture: HQ Photo/Nikola The Green Drawing Room - Picture: Nikola 绿色客厅
The Throne Room - Picture: Nikola 王座室
Blue Drawing Room - Picture: Nikola 蓝色客厅
Blue Drawing Room - Picture: Rebecca English/© PAikola 蓝色客厅
Nash Gallery - Picture: Nikola 纳什画廊
Pennethrone Gallery - Picture: Nikola PENNETHRONE 画廊