Cameron County Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Stimulus Grant Robert Lopez | February 18, 2011
Overview In 2009 the County was approached with an opportunity to apply for a Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Stimulus Grant administered by the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) on behalf of the US Department of Energy (USDOE). The grant required a 20% match from the County. The most favorable opportunity to meet and exceed the requirements of the grant was to propose installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on the roofs of County facilities to harness energy received by the earth from the sun and generate electricity for those facilities.
Recap of Key Dates Grant Application Submitted October 30, 2009 Grant AwardedMarch 1, 2010 SECO Contract ApprovedMarch 9, 2010 RFQ IssuedMarch 30, 2010 RFQ Responses DueApril 20, 2010 Consultant SelectedJuly 22, 2010 McKinstry Contract ApprovedSeptember 9, 2010 Construction BeganNovember 9, 2010
Construction Update: Harlingen Annex AEP permit inspection complete Interconnect Agreement has been approved by the County and submitted to AEP AEP commissioning inspection requested Upon completion of commissioning inspection, the system will go “live” Monitoring system is currently being installed
Photos – Harlingen Annex Construction
Construction Update: San Benito Annex Construction began 2/14/2011 A majority of the materials for this project have been received Interconnect Agreement has been approved by the County and submitted to AEP Expected completion date is March 31, 2011
Summary of Project Financials Total Project Cost$2,141, Total Grant Amount Requested$1,713, % Matching Funds Required$428, Potential AEP Utility Rebate$87, Net Out of Pocket to County$340,831.60