BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus MULTIPLE CRITERIA EVALUATION OF WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS Pushkar Kumar Jain, B.E. (Hons.) Mechanical Morapakla Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus ENERGY – A NEED!! INCREASING POPULATION INCREASING ENERGY DEMAND NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY USAGE EXPONENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Mine & transport burn coal COAL Drill for & transport gas burn gas NATURAL GAS Mine & transport uranium uranium gets hot NUCLEAR POWER Wind Push turbine Couple to generator
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Viability in simple terms, is the capability of a project to function, in the desired manner. Mathematically, it is a function of various mutually exclusive criteria which are to be taken into account for setting up a project. “Dimension” is defined as a group of several elements of same category which have a direct or indirect bearing on the “viability” VIABILITY Site factors Social factors Economic factors Viability
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus The viability of a wind energy system at a particular place is a function of multiple factors that may be mutually dependent and so it is a multiple criteria problem Proposed MCE technique - divided into five stages: MULTIPLE CRITERIA EVALUATION PROCESS Use of fuzzy logic to obtain viability The set of mutually exclusive criteria are given succinct and ambiguity-free definitions The factors are grouped under the dimensions and hierarchy is developed Construction of a set of mutually exclusive independent criteria Brainstorming of all the factors that directly or indirectly affect the feasibility of the project
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus For analysis, the dimensions considered are - Site factors, Economic Factors and Social Factors Under each of these categories, two sub-categories, one to be maximized and another to be minimized, are created and the mutually exclusive sub-critera that are constructed are grouped accordingly Economic – Cost and Revenue Site – Favourable and Restrictions Social – Favourable and Restrictions MCE MODEL HIERARCHY VIABILITY A A1 A11A12 A13A14 A2 A21A22 B B1 B11B12 B13B14 B15B16 B2 B21B22 B23B24 C C1 C11C12 C2 C21C22
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus DEVELOPMENT OF INTERFACE Use of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Integrating SIMULINK Construction of Graphical user interface
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus The following points will be used: (1)AND method: min (2)OR method: max (3)Implication: AND (4)Aggregation: max (5)Defuzzification: Centroid (6)FIS Type: Mamdani. (7)Symmetric triangular membership function and a five point scale (8)Expressions used in the membership function, to allot values for different sites are “Very bad”, “Bad”, “Average”, “Good”, “Very Good Very Good Good BadVery BadAverage
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Selection of wind energy site is a multiple criteria problem, solved by MCDM technique namely Fuzzy Logic Multiple criteria decision making problem can be formulated into a hierarchial model for analysis. Same methodology can serve for any number of dimensions “Viability” when found out for various sites, serves as a gauge for comparison and preference CONCLUSION
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