Educating the Educators Conference Professor Namita Kumar Postgraduate Dean, Health Education North East
Who we are and what do we do Health Education England is responsible for ensuring that education, training, and workforce development drives the highest quality public health and patient outcomes. As Health Education North East we ensure local workforce requirements are met and that we deliver our mission which is to ensure security of supply of a competent, compassionate and caring workforce to provide excellent quality health and patient care.
The NHS today How old is it? What does it do? How many people does it employ?
The NHS today Launched in 1948 The NHS has grown to become the world’s largest publicly funded health service It is also one of the most efficient, egalitarian and comprehensive NHS remains free at the point of use for anyone who is a UK resident
NHS Staff The NHS employs more than 1.7 million people Only just under half are clinically qualified – 39,780 general practitioners (GPs) 370,327 nurses 18,687 ambulance staff 105,711 other medical and dental staff Lots of other essential roles
and Indian Railways directly employ more people Chinese people’s Liberation Army Wal-Mart supermarket chain
Is this the NHS? Show Lancelot Spratt video W5eMc
Why work in the NHS? Nice! Job satisfaction Making a difference Diversity of roles Job opportunities Part of a team
The NHS Workforce Diversity – range of career opportunities 350 careers, 90 different specialties Different settings – community, acute hospital setting, social care, domiciliary Challenges posed by economic pressures
What we need in the North East Role of workforce planning – we need all types of staff to work in the North East and Cumbria We particularly need people who will work in the North East and Cumbria after training/graduating One of the best bits of the NHS in England Some of the best Postgraduate medical training in the UK
How we are working with you Large scale events Working on resource for teachers/educators Representatives available over lunch
The NHS of the future… Is our NHS It is up to us to make a difference It is how we work in it and how we behave Not always the policies but usually the people