Property Management Workshop REAL ESTATE SESSION Presented by Nisha Kumar, Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Assistant General Counsel for General Law, GC-77 1
Property Management Workshop REAL ESTATE SESSION 1 Section 161g of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2201(g) provides the Secretary of Energy the authority to: “acquire, purchase, lease and hold real and personal property “and to sell, lease, grant, and dispose of such real and personal property as provided in this Act.” 2
Property Management Workshop REAL ESTATE SESSION Broad discretion under 161 g. There are no implementing regulations and scarce legislative history 161g transactions are not subject to General Service Administration disposition requirements under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act. 3
Criteria for 161g disposition: The Office of General Counsel has interpreted “as provided in this Act” to require that any disposition under section 161g must relate to property that: (1) the Department has acquired in connection with carrying out the objectives under the AEA, or (2) property will be used/disposed to carry out such functions/objectives 4
Purposes and policies of AEA are found in: Section 1 of Act: “common defense and security” and “promote world peace” 42 U.S.C Section 2 of Act: “for military purposes” 42 U.S.C Section 3 of Act: “assisting and fostering research and development,” “development and utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes,” “international cooperation to promote common defense and security” 42 U.S.C And other sections of AEA 5
Fair Market Value (FMV) 161g does not impose any FMV requirement, since the authorized means of disposal includes “grant” as well as “sell” and “lease.” 6
Reporting Requirements for Sales of Real Property under FMV The Department is required to notify the Committee of Appropriations 60 days in advance of any proposed sale of land, which is: (1) under the authority of 161g, and (2) less than FMV. House Report No. 112, 107 th Congress (2002) Only applies to “Real” property Only applies to “Sales” and not “Leases” A transfer at no cost is considered a sale at less than FMV, for purposes of notification 7
Term of Lease period Section 161g does not address the length of the lease period The Department disfavors long term leases (e.g. longer than a 20 year lease, with a 20 year renewal option) Any leases that exceed 40years need to be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel 8