Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS) A Marketing Journal
Publisher, Websites, Issues Published by Springer Journal’s own website: Journal’s website on Springer (and submission site): Four issues each year – March 2014: Vol 1, Issue 1 Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Content CNS accepts any research papers in marketing, regardless methods, paradigm, topics. Special issues currently include: – Emerging Markets, co-edited by John Roberts, Ujwal Kayande, Rajendra Srivastava – Trends in Business Markets, co-edited by Raj Grewal and Gary Lilien – Future of Quantitative Marketing, co-edited by Donald Lehmann, Oded Netzer, Olivier Toubia Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Vol 1. Issue 1 (March 2014) Editorial Customer Needs and Solutions - Mission, Vision, and Strategies Perspective David Schmittlein. David Schmittlein on Marketing Research Articles (listed in alphabetic order of the last name of the first author) Chakravarty, A., Rajdeep Grewal, Suprateek Sarker, V. Sambamurthy. Choice of Geographical Location as Governance Strategy in Outsourcing Contracts: Localized Outsourcing, Global Outsourcing, and Onshore Outsourcing Fennell, G, Greg M. Allenby. Conceptualizing and Measuring Prospect Wants: Understanding the Source of Brand Preference Groening, C., J. Jeffrey Inman, William T. Ross Jr. Carbon Footprints in the Sand: Marketing in the Age of Sustainability Kumar, V., Anita Pansari. The Construct, Measurement, and Impact of Employee Engagement: a Marketing Perspective Lehmann, D. R., Shuba Srinivasan. Assessing Brand Equity Through Add-on Sales Manceau, D, Jehoshua Eliashberg, Vithala R. Rao. Meng Su. A Diffusion Model for Preannounced Products. 6
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Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Scope and Aim Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)
Type 1. Research Paper Customer Needs and Solutions (CNS)