TEEB Training Module 3: Conceptual Frameworks for Considering the Benefits of Nature TEEB Training for National Level Implementation
TEEB Training Why are Conceptual Frameworks important in ecosystem assessments? To help policy makers take full account of the values of ecosystem services and biodiversity in decision making To guide analysis and define its scope To help make nature’s benefits more visible To provide a range of different options depending on your policy context
TEEB Training Module Goal Demonstrates different conceptual frameworks that can help us better understand connections between human well-being and nature and what is required to maintain well functioning ecosystems
TEEB Training Main Objectives of module 3 Explores the various existing conceptual frameworks that are available for making ecosystem assessments Identifies some of the trade offs, limitations and challenges of valuing ecosystems and biodiversity Introduces some of the major activities that are taking place at the international level that are translating these concepts into action
TEEB Training The Module is broken down into 3 sessions: Session 1: Conceptual Frameworks Session 2: The Challenges of Ecosystem Valuation Session 3: From Concepts to Action
TEEB Training Learning Outcomes Demonstrate an understanding of the existing frameworks and under which circumstances/context they can be applied. Recognize the main limitations and challenges of valuing ecosystems and biodiversity. Identify and understand some of the major activities where these concepts are being put into action.
TEEB Training Module Agenda Duration (mins)Session 20Introduction and Icebreaker 30Session 1: Conceptual Frameworks 40Session 2:The Challenges of Ecosystem Valuation 20Coffee Break 40Session 3: From Concepts to Action 20 Group Exercise 10 Summary and Questions 60 Wrap up and closure
TEEB Training Ice breaker How do you value nature in your workplace? What frameworks do you already use in your work? ©123rf.com
TEEB Training Key Resources for Module Reports/documents GIZ, Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning; A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach. GIZ, Germany Kumar, P. (ed), The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity in national and International Policy making. Earthscan, London Ten Brink, P. (ed), The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity in national and International Policy making. Earthscan, London UNEP-WCMC, Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing: A Manual for Assessment Practitioners. Island Press, Washington Wittmer, H. and Gundimeda, H. (eds), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In Local and Regional Policy and Management Earthscan, London WRI, Ecosystems and Human Well-being; A framework for Assessment. Island Press, Washington Websites Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Yale University: CBD: WBCSD: UNEP Green Economy: ProEcoServ: WAVES: UNDP: SGA Network: The Natural Capital Project: Earth Economics: