AIM The scope of the project is to transfer power wirelessly using inductive coupling method to charge the mobile phone and wheel chair battery. We also use the application to run the wheelchair based on the instruction given wirelessly through mobile.
ABSTRACT Wireless Power Transfer Technology is an emerging trend in the world today. This technology eliminates the drawbacks of existing wired technology. In this project, wireless power transfer is used in charging a wheel chair and the mobile phone of the disabled persons at home. The working principle behind wireless power transmission is electromagnetic induction. Energy transfer by electromagnetic induction is typically magnetic.
INDUCTIVE COUPLING whenever we direct an electrical current through a wire there is a natural phenomena that occurs, that a circular magnetic field is created around the wire. And if we loop/coil that wire that wire's magnetic field gets stronger. If we take a second coil of wire that does not have an electrical current passing through it, and place that coil within the magnetic field of the first coil, the electric current from the first coil will travel through the magnetic field and started running through the second coil, that's inductive coupling.
EXISTING SYSTEM The power in form of electricity, which we get from power stations is costly. There is a huge loss of energy in form of heat due to resistance of wire, which reduces the efficiency. At most of our appliances are connected to wires or cords, for charging purpose. The wires take up too much space, they get dirty, reduce the range of the machines, and they are costly . In the existing system, wheelchair is controlled manually and hence the person needs somebody to help them in moving from one place to another.
PROPOSED SYSTEM Electromagnetic induction is the production of an electric current across a conductor moving through a magnetic field. In the proposed system, wireless power transmission technology is implemented to charge both the wheelchair as well as mobile phone of the disabled persons. The technology requires two coils: a transmitter and a receiver. An alternating current is passed through the transmitter coil, generating a magnetic field. This in turn induces a voltage in the receiver coil; this can be used to power a mobile device or charge a battery." In this we can control the wheelchair through our mobile using android Bluetooth application Charging the battery of the vehicle through wireless power transmission technology is one of the major advantage of this system .
Wireless Power Transmitter Circuit BLOCK DIAGRAM Bridge Rectifier High Frequency Step Down Transformer Main Power Supply Wireless Power Transmitter Circuit Transmitter Coil Transmitter Module
WHEELCHAIR MODULE PIC16F877A Micro Controller Bluetooth Module Voltage Regulator LM7805 Receiver Coil Rechargeable Battery Bluetooth Module PIC16F877A Micro Controller Relay Driver Circuit Motor Assembly High Voltage (12V DC) For Motors
MOBILE MODULE Receiver Coil Voltage Regulator LM7805 Mobile
PIC16F877A Microcontroller HARDWARE USED PIC16F877A Microcontroller Wireless power transmitter Wireless power receiver Rechargeable battery Relay Motor and motor driver Bluetooth module User mobile
MPLAB IDE SOFTWARE USED Hi-Tech C Compiler PICKIT2 Programmer Embedded C Language Proteus Circuit Designer Android Application
WIRELESS POWER TRANSMITTER Fig shows the wireless power transmitter to transmit the power wirelessly.
RECEIVER MODULE Fig shows the receiver module which is used to receive the power wirelessly.
Fig shows the charging of mobile wirelessly.
Fig shows the wheel chair module
CONCLUSION In this project, it is clear that resonant inductive coupling power transmission would be extremely beneficial to society if it is implemented in homes and home electronics. To start with we should begin replacing household outlets with a wireless power transmitter in each new house and have battery shaped coils to fit into home electronics.
FUTURE SCOPE The disadvantages of wireless power are greatly outweighed by the benefits and from an ethical standpoint, thus it is necessary to further develop wireless power technology to the point of large-scale production. We have the means and design; it is now a matter of obligation to create wireless power on mass scales for the betterment of society. The future work of this project is to increase the distance between the transmitter coil and the receiver coil. Also increase the amount of power to transfer.
REFERENCES P. Gupta and P. R. Kumar, “The capacity of wireless networks,” IEEE Transaction L. Xie, Y. Shi, Y. T. Hou, and H. D. Sherali, “Making sensor networks immoral: an energy-renewal approach with wireless power transfer,”” IEEE/ACM Transaction On renewable sensor networks with wireless energy transfer: the multi-node case,” in Proc. 2012 IEEE Communication