AP1000 Chilled Water System HVAC Systems AP1000 Chilled Water System
Central Chilled Water System VWS Design Basis Containment Isolation: Safety-related, seismic, ASME III, 1E Provides 40°F chilled water VWS air-cooled chillers shall be designed for operation using outdoor air with a maximum summer design temperature of 115°F dry bulb / 85.5°F wet bulb and a minimum winter design temperature of -40°F based on 0% exceedance VWS water-cooled chillers are designed for stable operation using Component Cooling Water System (CCS) water with a temperature range of 60 to 95°F.
Central Chilled Water System Sketch – High Capacity Subsystem
Central Chilled Water System Sketch – Low Capacity Subsystem
Containment Recirculation System
Containment Recirculation System Ductwork and Fan Coil Units
HVAC Systems – Containment Filtration
Radiologically Controlled Area Ventilation System Fuel Handling Area Subsystem
Radiologically Controlled Area Ventilation System (VAS) Aux/Annex Building Subsystem