Energy Savings Opportunities in Controls, Lighting, Air Conditioning, Water Heating and Refrigeration Chuck Thomas, P.E. CEM Lead Engineer
Benefits of Energy Conservation l Savings add directly to bottom line l Reduced emissions l Reduced effluent l Conserves resources l Reduced maintenance l Improved comfort l Provides bragging rights
First Step - Define your Baseline l Perform an Energy Survey w Graph utility usage verses weather and occupancy w Review utility rates w Benchmark your facility verses similar facilities w Lighting w Water/sewer & water heating w Heating and cooling w Evaluate controls
Usage and Billing Data l Graph usage w Electric kWh, kW, $, average $/kWh w Fuel usage, $, $/therm w Water/sewer usage, $, $/Ccf or 1,000 gallons l Cost per square foot l Cost per occupied room l Cost per meal l Usage verses weather data
Energy Usage
Hi-rise Hotel Energy Segments 12 Story Rooms 20% to 35% common area usage
Typical Lodging Electric Usage
Typical Room Electric Energy Usage per year
Annual Hotel Electric Bill per Room 11 Orlando Hotels - Properties were from 141 rooms to 1,020 rooms Small Convention Ctr + 1,020 rooms Large Convention Ctr 4 Restaurants rooms 141 rooms 246 rooms 245 rooms $0.80 to $4.52 per room per night
Rates l Understand the terms w Demand, energy, power factor, load factor, hours of use, ratchets, kVAr, kVA, Ccf, therms, etc l What are your options w Varies with utility and usage l Calculate bill under rate options
Lighting Audit l Determine cost per room per month & day w Represents 20-30% of electric billing w 30-40% savings potential in lighting u T8’s - up to 40% savings (more light than 34 watt) u Compacts - up to 75% savings and longer life u LED exit signs - up to 90 % savings and longer life w Savings in A/C u Less heat to remove l Maintain lighting foot-candles at IES standards
Water/Sewer & Water Heating l Determine cost per room per month & day w Check for and repair leaks w Deduct meters on cooling tower make-up w Low gallon per flush toilets w Lower gpm shower heads u Customer acceptable models w Efficient water heaters w Insulated piping w Consider heat recovery from refrigeration, A/C
Heating & Cooling l Unoccupied room usage w temperature set back - 30% savings of HVAC l Window treatments w Films, low Summer Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC windows, awnings, sun screens w Drapery use - 30% savings of HVAC if used l Replace with high SEER, HSPF l Book rooms with lowest HVAC cost first w Lowest solar exposure - summer w Lowest envelope exposure - winter
Refrigeration l Estimate operating cost l Check w temperature settings w seals, door alignment w coil condition w location of condensers w defrost controls l Replace with high efficiency systems l Run only what is necessary
Controls l Check for proper operation w note complaints l Training of personnel w temperature settings w draperies l Consider Energy Management Systems w Documents usage w Documents operation w Automates controls l Establish Energy Awareness Campaign
Energy Awareness Campaign l Shows management commitment l Reward system for each departments participation in meeting goals w Recognition for enthusiastic support w Dinner coupons or room night coupons for leadership role in meeting goals w Department with highest savings rewarded l Internal newsletter needs to highlight progress towards goals l Financial backing for low-cost fast payback projects
Energy Awareness Campaign: l Select attainable goals w Based on energy audit and benchmarking l Reduce average kWh monthly usage by X% (compared to last year, weather neutralized) l Reduce average gallons of water monthly usage by y% (compared to last year) l Reduce average Gas monthly usage by z% (compared to last year)
Review l Understand your usage l Look for changes l Keep up on maintenance l Install high efficient lighting, water heating and HVAC systems l Reduce water usage l Insure proper controls and operation l Establish an Energy Awareness Program
Summary - Significant benefits are possible by implementing conservation programs l Show them the money l Document the other savings w Reduced emissions w Reduced effluent w Conserved water, fuel w Reduced maintenance w Improved comfort l Brag