Thermostat Product Stewardship Initiative October 26-27, 2004 Chicago, IL.


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Presentation transcript:

Thermostat Product Stewardship Initiative October 26-27, 2004 Chicago, IL

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 2 Dialogue Purpose Explore voluntary partnerships Find business opportunities/market solutions Reduce impacts from mercury thermostats through product stewardship solutions Reduce mercury thermostat management costs

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 3 Dialogue Focus Collection and recycling HVAC Contractors/Electrical Wholesalers Homeowners/non-professionals Demolition contractors New thermostat sales

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 4 Road Map MEETING 2 MEETING 3 MEETING 1 START July 2004 October 2004 January 2005 April 2005 Two Workgroups Develop findings Develop draft agreements/projects Implement projects Ratify agreements Continue workgroups? Discuss Priority Issues and Strategies Workgroups present findings/plans Review progress and consider agreements Determine Next Steps/Continue meeting? ??? MEETING 4 Dialogue Meeting Workgroup Activity ???

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 5 Thermostat Problem Statement A significant number of thermostats contain mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin. Improper waste handling/disposal of mercury thermostats can result in mercury releases. Small fraction of mercury thermostats being collected. Lack of participation (awareness, motivation) Lack of recycling opportunities Mercury thermostats continue to be sold.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 6 Dialogue Goals (1)Increase the collection of mercury- containing thermostats from HVAC contractors and electrical wholesalers through the TRC program.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 7 Dialogue Goals (2)Increase the collection of mercury- containing thermostats from homeowners, demolition contractors, and other non- HVAC contractors through the TRC program and/or other mechanisms.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 8 Dialogue Goals (3)Explore the benefits and costs of various types of thermostats, and identify the opportunities and viability of replacing mercury thermostats with non-mercury alternatives.

Mercury Thermostat Issues/Strategies

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 10 Issue 1: HVAC Contractor Awareness – Strategies 1. Education through wholesalers 2. Education through state professional licensing programs 3. Education through state HVAC trade associations 4. Direct mail 5. Education through state energy conservation programs

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 11 Issue 1: Strategies (cont.) 6. Product/package labeling 7. Local government remodeling permits 8. Energy utilities (utility as contractor) 9. Revise state building codes

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 12 Issue 2: HVAC Contractor Collection Options – Strategies 1. Government outreach to wholesalers 2. TRC promotion to wholesalers 3. Govt/TRC promotion to wholesaler chains* 4. Legislation to require wholesaler participation 5. Expand TRC program to include contractor locations* 6. Bottom-up customer demand to wholesalers

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 13 Issue 3: HVAC Contractor Motivation – Strategies 1. Test financial incentives for Contractors* 2. Enact disposal bans/contractor recycling requirements

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 14 Issue 4: Measures of Success – Strategies 1. Reach agreement on short-term/long-term TRC program performance metrics 2. Incorporate performance metrics into program enhancement activities* 3. Improve TRC program communication

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 15 Issue 5: Homeowner/Non- Professional Collection – Strategies 1. Education programs 2. Thermostat packaging 3. Retailer collection 4. Manufacturer mail-back 5. TRC expansion to some HHW collection locations* 6. Publicize use of TRC wholesaler locations

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 16 Issue 6: Demolition Contractor Collection – Strategies 1. Contractor outreach program 2. TRC expansion to demolition contractor locations 3. Publicize use of TRC wholesaler locations 4. Publicize use of HHW collection locations under expanded TRC program*

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 17 Issue 7: Continued Sales of Mercury Thermostats – Strategies 1. Voluntary phase-out by manufacturers 2. Voluntary retail sales phase-out 3. State/local legislation and/or building code revisions restricting sales 4. Consumer education 5. Model government procurement policy

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 18 Desired Outcomes: HVAC Contractor Collection Stakeholder endorsement/TRC approval of plan to expand TRC program to certain contractor locations. Stakeholder identification of/commitment to pursue next steps on possible expansion of TRC program to some HHW locations. Agree on plan to send letters from state environmental agencies to wholesaler chains.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 19 Desired Outcomes: HVAC Incentive Pilots Stakeholder endorsement of proposed incentive pilots in Oregon and Indiana.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 20 Desired Outcomes: Continued Sales of Mercury Thermostats Stakeholder agreement on next steps.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 21 Set Priorities for Future Work 3 rd Meeting??? HVAC contractor Collection Homeowner collection Demolition contractor collection New thermostat sales

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 22 Issue/Strategy Discussion: Model Issue: what’s happening now? Ideal World: where do we want to be? Strategies: how do we get from Now to Ideal World?

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 23 Strategy Discussion Which hold most promise? Ways to implement/strength of strategy. Actors (roles). Barriers/opportunities. Information gaps/research needs. Pilot project opportunities.

October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 24 Prioritizing Strategies Leverages progress on other issues. Actors are willing to participate. Widest agreement. Progress is measurable. Progress can be demonstrated.  WORKGROUPS???