Mechanical Electrical Safety/Security Video surveillance Fire safety Access control Enhanced Programming Roofing/Structural/Site Work
Mechanical New boiler system HVAC system and integrated temperature controls Electrical New high-efficiency lighting systems Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities Intruder prevention door hardware Exterior door security Video surveillance Administrative offices relocated to control access Enhanced Programming Additional classrooms Music room Roofing/Structural/Site Work New energy efficient roofing Storm water upgrades
Electrical Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Intruder prevention door hardware Exterior door security Video surveillance
Mechanical New boiler system HVAC system and integrated temperature controls Electrical New high-efficiency lighting systems Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities Intruder prevention door hardware Exterior door security Video surveillance Administrative offices relocated to control access Enhanced Programming Additional classrooms Roofing/Structural/Site Work New energy efficient roofing Storm water upgrades
New 50,000+ square foot building Improve safety and security Off street drop off/pick up Remain at current site Architecture to remain consistent with neighborhood
Mechanical HVAC system and integrated temperature controls Electrical New high-efficiency lighting systems Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities Intruder prevention door hardware Exterior door security Video surveillance Administrative office relocated to control access Enhanced Programming Additional classrooms Music room Roofing/Structural/Site Work New energy efficient roofing Storm water upgrades Gym floor mud jacking
Mechanical Boiler replacement HVAC integrated temperature controls Electrical New high-efficiency lighting systems Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities Exterior door security Video surveillance Administrative office relocated to control access Enhanced Programming Renovation of counseling area Roofing/Structural/Site Work Additional parking Upgrade stairway railing
Mechanical HVAC integrated temperature controls Electrical New high-efficiency lighting systems Occupancy sensors Safety/Security Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities Exterior door security Enhance video surveillance Enhanced Programming New library Roofing/Structural/Site Work Storm water upgrades
Enhanced Programming Additional classrooms Performing Arts Auditorium Events Stadium
Passage of the bond proposal will provide the funds necessary for facilities; therefore, allowing operating funds to be used towards curricular expenses. Provide an environment that is conducive to learning…basic needs of education (lighting, safety and security, heating/cooling, appropriate space, technology capabilities). Research indicates students involved in co-curricular activities achieve at higher levels and stay in school. District has comprehensive measures in place improve student achievement and graduation rate.
District-wide pre school Summer school for PK-12 grade students After school tutoring at all building sites Local assessment program utilized to monitor student progress throughout the year Utilize an Academic Watch document to monitor students at-risk of academic failure Alternative Education Center expanded to serve sixth grade Social worker Utilize parent liaisons Show Me Scholars academic mentoring program for students in 8-12 grade Provide 7-12 academic intervention classes (PAS, ACE) Partner with United Way Education Solutions Team Partner with Big Brothers/Big Sisters High quality professional development activities GED Options Program
pre-paid debt low interest rates positive bidding climate
Bidding climate Favorable interest rates Creation of jobs Stimulate local economy
The issue has been studied internally and with our professional team. The dollar amount generated by asking the voters to shift a portion of the debt service tax rate to the operating levy is minimal as compared to the increased cost of postponing facility projects.
Over the last ten years the district has taken advantage of a favorable lending environment and refinanced debt. Refinancing allowed for aggressive prepayment of debt. Prepayment has placed the district in a position to propose a no tax rate increase bond issue.
Energy efficiency New roofs Deferred maintenance
Multipurpose Friday football Band competitions Track Student participation Cost savings School and community pride Generate revenue
Enhanced curriculum Choir Orchestra Concert band Theatre productions Speech/Debate Assemblies Guest speakers Award presentations
Focus on future generations Cost comparison Seismic standards ADA Mechanical, plumbing, electrical systems Asbestos