Simple installation
VAV SYSTEM FEATURES ( One Of Many Types ) Electric or Pneumatic or Digital Controls “In Duct” &/or “At Diffuser” Locations Pressure, Temperature And/Or Flow Sensors VAV The Current State Of Technology In HVAC ! Good site to visit & see animations of various VAV systems types! How different systems work and why ! POSSIBLE MAIN DUCT VAV Fan Speed > Current Basic Commercial HVAC Systems VAVs partial open Typically Fan 17
HVAC General Rules of Installation Distance from InDuct to Air Outlets. Do not exceed 20 meters It’s more of an art than a science. Even the Pros don’t always agree !
GENERAL COMMERCIAL “Duct Cell” PLACEMENT. You Have Two Options ! 1] You can place ALL duct cell units in the “plenum”. OR IF there are reasons that this approach might not work; 2] Then review the duct blueprint and split the duct system into sections that have approximately the “ =< ft 2 coverage” of the duct cell you have selected. Then place a cell at any suitable upstream “insertion point” for that section. REMEMBER: Sq Ft coverage ( 8’ ceilings) ~= CFM Sum-total cfm = cfm 400 cfm 500 cfm 500 cfm 600 cfm 600 cfm 500 cfm 500 cfm 1000 cfm 1000 cfm 300 ft duct Plus an In-line VAV valve Sum-total cfm= cfm
54” x 8” ~ 3500 cfm 1750 sum cfm Radius Bends 50 ft 41” x 8” duct EXAMPLE # 3 B ahrain- M ulti S tory B ldg - ½ of floor Total of 5,118 sq ft per floor- 3 floors 8 ft drop ceilings – 10 ft total 4 air handlers = 2 mains & 2 overload 1 cell guideline 2000 sq ft - very bad air Inside Walls 2140 sum cfm Possible cell locations VCD box Return air registers 32”x 8” 900 cfm Loading Issues A/C only runs at night Return air is Via dead space Occupancy can spike to 150