Technical Training It’s Not Your Father’s Air Conditioner! Your Instructors: ◊ Don Fort ◊ Courtney Gardner
Welcome House Keeping Items Please Silence cell phones & Pagers EVERYONE needs to sign the Roster. Instructor Introductions Now let’s review today’s agenda 2
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 3
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 4
Reciprocating Compressors Back when I had Teeth, this is what I Cut them On! Suction Discharge Reciprocating Compressor Why Change?
Scroll and Rotary Compressors Rotary Compressor Scroll Compressor Why Are Manufactures Moving Away from Reciprocating Compressors? Not as efficient as rotary or scroll Reliable speed control more difficult
Fixed Speed Compressors Control Scroll Compressor OK.. Good Point about compressor efficiency But… what’s wrong with potential relays & good old contactor circuits?
Variable Speed Compressor Control Rotary Compressor Scroll Compressor In a word… INVERTER Translates into reliable and efficient speed control Less dependence on electro- mechanical control devices. Inverter PCB
Variable Speed Compressor Control Control stages of the average inverter drive PCB 1 ᶲ AC 60 Hz
Variable Speed Compressor Control IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) Gating this electronic switch is fast and the control characteristics are very stable and switching can take place at a very high rate of speed. This provides the type of DC pulse width modulation necessary for simulating the three phase AC sine waveform. Pulse Width Modulation 3 – Phase 3 ᶲ AC, Variable Hz IGBTs gate at a maximum rate of 9,000 times per second!
Variable Speed Compressor Control Simply put the IGBTs are just single pole switches…
Variable Speed Compressor Control Richard Mollier (1863 to1935,) was a Germen professor of Applied Physics and Mechanics. A pioneer of experimental research in thermodynamics. Mollier diagrams (enthalpy-entropy charts) are routinely used in the design work associated with power plants (fossil or nuclear), compressors, steam turbines, refrigeration systems, and air conditioning equipment to visualize the working cycles of thermodynamic systems.enthalpy-entropy charts
Old Thermostatic Expansion Valve OK.. Great Point about compressor control But… what’s wrong with a good old TXV metering device? Why Change? Liquid Refrigerant
Linear Expansion Valves – LEV (EEV) More precise control of refrigerant flow. Many LEV valves pulse between 3000 & 4000 times per second! No mechanical superheat adjustment required Temperature sensors are generally not insulated
Temperature Control Alright! But… I know I can hold on to my Honeywell T87 Thermostat… Right??? Why Change? Well you Could Just Not Responsive Enough!
Better Temp Control - NTC Thermistors NTC Thermistor Resistance vs. Temperature Curve Temperature Resistance IDU Piping Circuit Showing Thermistor Locations Tight temperature control is possible due to the deployment of 3 ranges of NTC Thermistors: Pipe (Low temp) 5K Air (medium temp) 10K Discharge Pipe (high temp) 200K
Refrigerant Pressure Monitoring Well I get the fact that high SEER equipment has to be electronically controlled but I just have to use my manifold Gauges to determine proper operation… Don’t I ??? Why Change?
Refrigerant Pressure Monitoring As the pressure varies, the diaphragm flexes and the distance between the capacitor plates changes. This ceramic sensing element design produces a variable capacitance that is highly stable and reliable. Capacitive Sensing Element
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 19
Click for Animation Basic Refrigeration Cycle Is the Same mm
Basic Components are the Same mm VRF Technology Allows True Heat Recovery As Demonstrated Here Play Animation
Modern VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) Air Conditioning system are dynamic in that they flex capacity to meet a wide range of ambient conditions. The control systems for this type of air conditioner must monitor the following: Suction pressure Suction temperature Discharge pressure Discharge temperature Inverter Compressor Hz Condenser fan speed Sub-cooler superheat Main LEV operation (ODU) LEV operation for individual IDUs Basic Cycle - the same, Control Complex
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 23
Troubleshooting With Software… PRCTFE1 module As seen from previous slides a very large amount of data is collected and managed by modern VRF systems. This is transmitted via RS-485 protocol. The only way to track system operation is through computer software.
Troubleshooting With Software… Cycle View (Current value) Main View (Target Value) Current value / target of system Current value ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ (Only Plus III) ① ② Only Plus III Computer needed to analyze system operation
Troubleshooting With Software… A computer is needed to analyze system operation
Troubleshooting With Software… Coming Soon … A Blue Tooth Troubleshooting Tool Android Smart phone Connection Cable Blue tooth Inverter ODU Blue tooth
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … & the future is NOW! Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 28
Multi Zone Systems MULTI V (up to 32 zones pre piping module)
Agenda Welcome & IntroductionsBasic Component Changes – Why Change? What Connections can be made by instructors when introducing new age technology? Service & Troubleshooting – How has this been enhanced?Catch the Wave of the future … & the future is NOW! Closing Remarks with Q & A Thanks for Coming ! 30
Points to Take Away From This Presentation Although the Refrigeration Cycle has not changed, the way we manage the process has changed a great deal Modern components call for modern means of control and troubleshooting Linkage between the refrigeration process that we all have taught for years and new age technology must be made in order to attract the next generation of HVAC professionals to our industry. Keep an open mind with a view to incorporating VRF technology into your Future curriculum.
Points to Take Away From This Presentation For More Information Check Us Out At
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