Yakima Air Terminal/McAllister Field Master Plan Airport Board Briefing May 21, 2012 YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 1
Meeting Purpose To present the results of the facility requirements analysis and explore alternative approaches to meeting future needs. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA
Summary of Airfield Requirements The current length of Runway 9/27 (7,604 feet) is sufficient for most aircraft types expected to use the airport. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 3
Summary of Airfield Requirements Runway 4/22 is not eligible for future FAA funding. Both VFR and IFR wind analyses show more than 95% coverage on Runway 9/27 at a 13 knot crosswind. Airfield capacity analysis shows that Runway 9/27 provides sufficient capacity for forecast activity through the year Runway Capacity: 230,000 annual operations Forecast Demand in 2030: 151,072 annual operations YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 4
Summary of Terminal Area Requirements The existing passenger terminal building needs rehabilitation and expansion. (2015 – 2020) Passenger flow patterns need to be addressed. (2012 – 2015) Maintenance issues (HVAC equipment, roof leaks, etc.) need addressed. (2012 – 2015) The airport’s administrative offices require upgrades. (2012 – 2015) The public parking lot will need to be expanded. ( ) YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 5
Air Cargo Needs Additional loading/unloading/processing area will be needed as more cargo is shipped in and out of Yakima. FedEx is the only carrier with offices and indoor processing facilities. Additional area for the other cargo carriers is likely to use existing apron space. Cargo carriers may desire dedicated indoor space in the future. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 7
General Aviation Needs There is a need for approximately 40 additional T- hangars. Demand for 13 new “corporate” or “group” hangars has been identified. Additional area for FBO expansion will be needed. General aviation automobile parking areas – separate from the airfield area need to be identified. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 8
Alternative Identification Alternatives must; Provide for activity growth and meet forecast demand levels. Continue to accommodate all airport users – airlines, air cargo, and general aviation. Meet FAA criteria for safety and planning. Minimize environmental impacts. Assure community compatibility. Use airport property efficiently. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 9
Airfield Alternatives Runway Length Remove extension from the ALP Leave extension on the ALP for contingency purposes. Runway 4/22 Close the runway. Continue operations on the current runway at Board expense. Reduce runway footprint and operate at Board expense (possible WSDOT financing available). Turf Runway Should meet all FAA design and location standards. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 10
Reconstruct Runway 4/22 YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 11
Reconstruct Runway 4/22 Calculate cost of reconstruction to BI (Small) standard. Explore potential for WSDOT participation in funding. Determine feasibility of maintaining the runway without FAA support. Determine annual usage. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 12
Add A Turf Runway Does it meet FAA standards? Flight safety/ATC considerations require more than 700 ft. separation between runways. Affect on overall air traffic. Environmental consequences. Cost. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 14
Terminal Expansion Alternatives Do-nothing. Rehabilitate and modernize existing terminal. Construct a new terminal At the same location At a different location. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 15
Terminal Alternatives YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 16
Terminal Alternatives ATCT line-of-sight compliance FAR Part 77 surfaces Ability to expand beyond 20-years Community access (visibility) Airfield access Adjacent land uses Design Issues Cost YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 17
General Aviation Alternatives Where should new hangars be built? What is the optimum layout for new facilities? How should they connect with the runway system? YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 18
General Aviation Alternatives YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 19
General Aviation Alternatives Compatibility with adjacent uses. Meet FAA guidelines. Minimum environmental consequences. Minimize cost YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 20
Other Considerations Provide for other airport related uses such as; Heavy maintenance facilities Aircraft manufacturing. Aviation-related industrial Aviation-related commercial. YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 21
Questions/Comments? YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL | McALLISTER FIELD | Yakima, WA 22