Potential Stakeholders for Education/Marketing Group Utilities, their Communications teams, & DSM Marketing Contractors PUCO PUCO Office of Retail Competition in Office of Public Affairs Marketing Firms Consumer Groups Community Groups Community Action Agencies American Association for Retired People (AARP) Rotary Clubs (Community Service) Ohio Energy Project Market Research Resources Public Awareness/Marketing groups (Ad Council) PSAs (PR teams in utilities) Green Energy Ohio (GEO) Trade Allies (ACCA/ICAA) Insulation Contractors Association of America (ICAA) Air Conditioning Contractors of America/Ohio (ACCA/ACCO) Building Industry Associations (BIA) Department of Energy (DOE) Housing/remodeling industry American Lung Association; Healthy House Initiatives Lead Abatement County and Municipal Governments Ohio Department of Health Product Manufactures, Distributors (Home Improvement Included) Environmental Groups List is not intended to be inclusive or exclusive
Potential Stakeholders for Financing Group Utilities PUCO Banks, Credit Unions (individual or association) Investors Capital Groups Capital Advantage (Venture Capitalists; focus on middle income small business) Ohio Based Foundations State/Federal Government involved in energy efficiency financing Notes: Research PA Financing (Keystone HELP, via AFC First) Need a product like when buying a car; point of sale loan Are there Finance Models that have reliable measured (not deemed) energy savings results from participants? List is not intended to be inclusive or exclusive State of Ohio Treasurer (ECO-Link) HVAC Contractors/Associations Ohio Department of Development, Energy Office Ohio Housing Finance Agency Ohio Community Development Finance Fund Realty Groups (NAR) Insulation/HVAC Contractors Policy Matters of Ohio Sierra Club and other Environmental Groups
Potential Stakeholders for Implementation Group (Product Quality/Credibility (Capacity, Certification, QA, Supply Chain)) Utilities PUCO Finance Industry Training/Capacity Building Building Performance Institute COAD Ohio Weatherization Training Center Affordable Comfort, Inc. Trade Allies (ACCA/ICAA) Insulation Contractor Representatives HVAC Contractor Representatives DSM Contractors Weatherization Network Building Industry Association (BIAs) National Association of the Remodeling Industry – Ohio List is not intended to be inclusive or exclusive Community Colleges/Trade Schools (training) Realty Groups (NAR) Consumer Groups Ohio Department of Development, Energy Office Evaluation & Building Science Consultants Product Manufactures, Distributors Health and Safety Healthy House Working Lead Safe National Insulation Contractors’ Exchange (NICE) Insulate America (IA)
Potential Stakeholders for Real Estate Transaction Group (Monetization of the Value of Energy Efficiency/Home Performance) Utilities PUCO Finance Industry, Banks/Credit Unions Realty Groups (NAR), Multiple Listing Service Energy Efficiency Consultants; Evaluation Contractors State, Local Auditor’s Office DSMore PJM Representative National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and potentially other environmental groups List is not intended to be inclusive or exclusive
Potential Stakeholders for Regulatory Group Utilities PUCO Trade Associations (ACCA/ICAA) Realty Groups (NAR) American Council for and Energy Efficient Economy PJM (committed EE in the markets) M&V Consultants Ohio Consumers’ Counsel Environmental Groups Regulatory Issues Costs Tests Non Energy Benefits/Impacts (NEBS/NEIs) Other List is not intended to be inclusive or exclusive