Demand Side Management Programs
Why Energy Efficiency? Money savings Increased comfort Conserve natural resources Cheapest power plant EPA Regulations?
Home Energy Evaluation
Blower Door Test
Current EKPC DSM Programs Button-Up Weatherization HVAC Duct Seal Heat Pump Retrofit Touchstone Energy Home Compact Fluorescent/LED Lighting C&I Advanced Lighting Industrial Compressed Air
Button-Up Weatherization
Insulation, air-sealing, windows, etc. Member may receive up to $1,370 rebate Basic Button-up: Pays an incentive for BTUhs saved from insulation, windows, etc. Blower-door test is not required. Weatherization with Air Sealing: Encourages members to air seal the envelope of their home in addition to the regular Button-Up improvements. Advanced Weatherization Level 2: Level 2 encourages members to address all of their home’s inefficiencies at one time. The resulting BTUh savings can be as much as 150 percent of Level I. Advanced Weatherization Level 3: This version represents the highest level. Level 3 also encourages homeowners to address all of their home’s inefficiencies at one time. The resulting BTUh savings can be as much as 200 percent of Button-Up Level I.
HVAC Duct Sealing
HVAC Duct Seal Pre and post blower door test performed to verify reductions in leakage of the duct work All joints in the duct work will be sealed Duct leakage per system must be reduced to below 10 percent of the fan’s rated capacity $250 Incentive
Heat Pump Retrofit
Replace resistance heat source (i.e. ceiling cable, baseboard or electric furnace) with new air-to-air heat pump, geothermal or mini-split Members may receive up to a $1,000 rebate Specifications: 13 SEER - $ SEER - $ SEER or higher - $1,000
Touchstone Energy Home
Pre-drywall checklist required Post construction blower door test Member completes checklist: $750 HERS rating 79 or better: $750 HERS rating 80-85: $250
Energy Efficient Lighting 850,000 CFLs distributed since ,500 LEDs distributed since 2012 Energy Efficient Lighting
880,000 CFLs distributed since ,500 LEDs distributed since 2012 EKPC pay $0.90 per bulb
Commercial & Industrial Programs
C&I Advanced Lighting Incentives to install high- efficiency lamps and ballasts: LED exit signs, T-5 fluorescent fixtures and advanced controls $6,000 max for commercial accounts $12,000 max for industrial accounts
Industrial Compressed Air Refunds the cost of a leak-detection audit Reduces electricity consumption through detecting and repairing compressed-air leaks $15,000 max
SimpleSaver Program Residential direct load control program to reduce peak demand and delay construction of new generation Bill credits to members: $10 sign-on bonus $20 for each central air conditioning unit $10 for each water heater EKPC pays for the switches and determines when to manage load
New DSM Programs Appliance Recycling ENERGY STAR® Appliance Rebates ENERGY STAR® Manufactured Home Low Income Weatherization
Appliance Recycling Incentive of $50 offered for recycling inefficient refrigerators and freezers
ENERGY STAR Appliance Rebates Incentives for purchasing new ENERGY STAR appliances Refrigerator - $100 Freezer - $50 Dishwasher - $50 Clothes Washer - $75 Heat Pump Water Heater - $300 ASHP Upgrade - $300 Air Conditioning (Central) - $300
ENERGY STAR Manufactured Home All new manufactured home will meet ENERGY STAR standards Saves significant electricity
Low Income Weatherization Members who qualify for low-income services can receive financial assistance to install an energy-efficient air source heat pump and/or make weatherization home improvements Partnering with Community Action Up to $2,000 per home
EKPC partnering with its owner-members EKPC invested in an online cloud- based DSM program tracking and reporting system – EECP EKPC invested in the Apogee BillingInsights and EnergyInsights Members can complete a detailed energy audit online Energy Advisors can complete a detailed in- home energy audit Implementation plans are created and tracked
EKPC Partnering with its owner-members EKPC transfer payments include: All rebate or incentive costs ½ of cooperative administrative costs All net lost revenues to the owner-member Advertising Creates ad campaigns including messaging and imagining. Creates commercials Pays 75% of all DSM ads up to $0.75 per meter per owner- member Pays first $10,000 for $impleSaver ads per owner-member
Together We Save
Questions? Scott Drake, East Kentucky Power Cooperative (859)