Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITY OF BANJA LUKA Petar M. Gvero, Associate Professor TEMPUS - ENERESE Project Meeting 07. November, 2013.
ENERESE First National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Bosina and Herzegovina (NEEAP BiH), which provided implementation of appropriate EE measures that would reduce the final energy consumption for 9% until 2018 is not yet adopted In Republic of Srpska are not yet adopted the new legislation in accordance with the main requirements of the relevant EU Directives (minimal energy performance of the buildings, methodology of energy audits, requirements for energy certifiers of EE in buildings and energy certification etc…) In Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) the new legislation in accordance with the main requirements of the relevant EU Directives were adopted during 2009/10.
ENERESE During 2013, in Republic of Srpska were adopted two important laws for the EE The law on Spatial Planning and Construction The Energy Efficiency law Adopted laws stipulates that Cities with more than residents in the RS should adopt its own Energy efficiency action plan and should appoint a person responsible for energy management For Master studies in EE we get support from ALVRS (Association of municipalities and towns of Republic of Srpska). Organization of Master studies in the area of EE is in accordance with the Energy Strategy of Republic of Srpska until 2030
ENERESE activities between two meetings After analysis of proposal of the program and its content Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Banja Luka, have agreed to organize a joint master study in duration of 1 year Master studies in EE would be organized for the students Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Most important target group: students which already finished its study on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering or Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and have at least 240 ECTS
ENERESE activities between two meetings Master studies in EE should have specific admission requirements (minimum 240 ECTS) and students must pass a selection procedure It is anticipated that students Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have courses EE from the aspect construction of objects (eg Energy efficient and environmental friendly construction materials), and that students Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering have courses EE from the aspect efficiency HVAC system (eg HVAC systems) Some courses should be common for all students (eg General concept of energy efficiency and energy management through EU and national legislation`s prospective)
Open questions Who will be in charge for diploma issuing? CREDO doctoral studies – some proposed subjects are integrated in that level of the study.
Thank you for the attention!