SHH! Do you know about your competitors’ new Human Resources secret when they are searching to find the right HVAC candidate? Let N ame G eneration P rofessionals help you find the answer.
At N ame G eneration P rofessionals You will receive nothing but courteous, professional service We specialize 100% in the following industries HVAC Building Automation Energy; Power Controls; Security and Fire-Life-Safety We are very effective at what we do We guarantee positive results THE N ame G eneration P rofessionals ( NGP ) GUARANTEE!! If for any reason you have not filled your open position using your original name generation list provided after 60 Days of commencement of your search. - NGP will continue to work your search free of charge by networking and searching for an additional 60 days on a contingency basis with your company being issued a full credit off the contingency placement fee
It’s So Easy! For example…let’s say you need 3 strong BAS control technicians in Cleveland, Ohio. With NGP, you will have numerous candidates to choose from for multiple hires now and in the future the list is yours to keep. Unlike your typical search firm providing only one name to you.
Why use N ame G eneration P rofessionals ! A typical contingency search firm takes 4 to 6 weeks…We don’t! Our average is 1 week. They hit all the job boards, etc…We don’t! We go direct to your competitors. Typical agencies give you the same recycled candidates…We don’t! Our candidates are currently working and competing against your employees everyday. A typical agency charges you a whopping 20%-25% fee! ($10,000, $15,000, $20,000)
What makes NGP Different? We are a small privately owned company that will strive to do a great job for you to find and select the perfect candidates. Now, let’s take a closer look at N ame G eneration P rofessionals easy step-by-step plan.
Step 1 Develop a list of competitor companies in your geographical area that compete with you everyday. Step 2 We contact your competitor confidentially and will provide you with a list of names of candidates that are currently in the position you are looking to fill. Step 3 We will provide you with an output report that includes each person’s name, title, company, and contact phone numbers. Depending on position, we may provide you with more than one name.
Step 4 Once you receive the list of qualifying candidates, we begin to call each candidate systematically keeping you advised of the progress. Each candidate spoken with is fully screened for their qualifications and interest level. Each qualified candidate is then presented with a detailed job description to further confirm the roll you are looking to fill. Step 5 A final report is given to you so that you may choose the candidates whom you would like to interview.* *Anyone not interested can be networked or called for future use.
The Best Part of NGP is Your Cost! The cost is very simple--there are no hidden fees. Only $3, per List. That works out to less than $ per name and you never are billed again even on multiple hires! Save your company Thousands! *We suggest 30 potential candidates to get a good cross-section of candidates from which to choose from.
NGP is the talk of the town! We’ve done name generation nationwide for such top companies as Trane, Honeywell, Johnson Controls, Steafa and Siemens Building Technologies just to name a few, and are currently working with many other smaller search firms that utilize our services for candidate flow. We can save your company thousands $$$!
NGP Fills These Types of Positions Construction Project Manager Project Development Engineer Business Development Engineer Energy Solutions/Performance Contracting Sales or Account Executive Operations Manager Regional Managers – Sales, Service; Operations Service or Manager Sales Engineer Service Operations Manager Marketing Manager Application Engineer; Design Engineer;Technicians at all levels Executive Management (VP levels for Sales, Operations, Marketing and Engineering)
Call N ame G eneration P rofessionals To Get Started Today! Guaranteed to produce great candidate flow at a fraction of the cost. Chris Knierim Executive Search Recruiter