Organization Background & Role Program Overview Funding & Partners Marketing Strategy Accomplishments Challenges & Learnings OUTLINE
BACKGROUND A not-for-profit private-public partnership in Alberta Core staff of 20 in Calgary and Edmonton Multi-stakeholder board
ROLE Take action to reduce GHGs Program delivery Align initiatives to Alberta’s and federal government’s plans Leverage
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Furnace Replacement Programs (2004 & 2005) LED Exit Sign Incentives Soak Up the Savings Clothes Washer Program Energy Solutions Alberta
September 15, 2005 to March 1, 2006 $50 rebate for ENERGY STAR clothes washer Additional $50 for residents of Calgary Application processing Rebate processing PROGRAM OVERVIEW
Application Form Retail appliance stores Web Mail
Rebate Cheque Calgary-based company Printed, posted and mailed Opportunity for logo placement and additional promo
Program Funding NRCan Government of Alberta City of Calgary Industry Support Manufacturers Retailers FUNDING & PARTNERSHIPS
< $7,000 to promote program Leveraged through utilities & media MARKETING STRATEGY
EPCOR Bill Stuffer EPCOR distributed to 650,000 customers in Alberta (250,00 in Edmonton) Enmax distributed a bill insert to 280,000 customers in the Calgary region
Static Cling Sticker ## of stickers were sent to retail stores across Alberta Stickers adhered directly to ENERGY STAR clothes washers
Static Cling Sticker Version used in Calgary to explain additional rebate
2 radio spots = 22,000 reach 4 Television spots = 270,000 reach 5 print articles Media Coverage
Media Coverage vs. Web Hits Media CoveragePromotion from utilities
CHALLENGES & LEARNINGS New home construction large but complicated market Inconsistent messages from retailers to consumers – better communication with retailers required Customer satisfaction issues FREE RIDERS!!!
Would you have purchased an ENERGY STAR clothes washer without this program? YES86% NO14% Free Riders or other factors
ACCOMPLISHMENTS 8700 clothes washers purchased Water Savings –Over 200 million Litres/yr Energy Savings –3300 MWh/yr –Includes dryer savings GHG reductions –Over 3000 tonnes Consumer $’s saved –Approx. $450,000
Suite 1560, Jasper Ave. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Telephone: [780] Suite 100, 999 – 8 th Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada Telephone: [403] CALGARY EDMONTON