1 Summary of City of Austin Population and Water Demand Revision Requests for Region K Water Planning Austin Water Utility Water Resources Management Program Lower Colorado Regional Water Planning Group Meeting Burnet, Texas July 10, 2013
2 Impact Fee Service Area Boundary City Limits BASTROP WILLIAMSON HAYS TRAVIS
3 City of Austin Water Demands for Regional Water Planning Process City of Austin water demands are made up of multiple components: –Municipal Demands: Within Austin and in Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Manufacturing Demands –Wholesale Customer Demands Austin also has Steam-Electric water demands for power generation –previously addressed in the non-municipal water demand review process
4 City of Austin Water Demands for Regional Water Planning Process Municipal water demand projections: –Water User Group (WUG) Population multiplied by WUG Municipal Per Capita Demand Projections represent conservative dry condition baseline water demand projections: –Incorporate plumbing code change-driven per capita water use reductions –At this stage of the planning process projections do not incorporate additional savings through implementation of water conservation and reuse water management strategies – this comes later in the planning process
5 Overview of City of Austin Revision Request Items Population: –Approve use of 1.0 Migration Scenario Projection for Travis County with extrapolation to 2070 –Apply Travis County population increases to: main Austin WUG in Travis County Travis “County Other” WUG Other Travis County WUG population increase requests Per Capita Demand: –For Austin WUGs (Travis, Williamson, and Hays County): Approve use of base dry year per capita adjusted for Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) Implementation Approve use of revised projected decadal per capita demands incorporating plumbing code and clothes washer savings already achieved by the City of Austin
6 Travis County Population Projection Comparison COA Projection 1,350,009 1,749,304 2,158,652 2,474,503 2,801,808 3,094,939 Draft TWDB Projection 1,237,072 1,428,425 1,608,857 1,810,892 1,989,210 2,155,066 Draft 1.0 Migration Scenario 1,273,260 1,508,642 1,732,860 1,990,820 2,219,764 2,475,037 Revision Request: –Approve use of 1.0 Migration Scenario Projection for Travis County with extrapolation to 2070
8 Austin WUG Base-Year Per Capita Water Demand Revision Request: –Approve use of base year per capita water demand factor adjusted to not include Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) implementation effects DCP implementation is a drought response measure that should not be imbedded in the baseline projection Total Net Use (gallons) Total Net Use (acre-feet)Population Gallons Per Capita Daily (GPCD) Per TWDB Report – includes water savings from COA DCP Stage 2 implementation 45,889,103, , , Calculation if Stage 2 was not in effect 47,219,883, , ,
9 Austin WUG Per Capita Water Demand Projection Revision Request: –Approve use of revised projected decadal per capita demands incorporating plumbing code and clothes washer savings already achieved by the City of Austin Base-Year TWDB Projection Projection with COA Adjustments For reference: GPCDs from 2011 plan: Base Year: 174 and 2060: 169