Residential Single Family Clothes Washer UES Measure Update Christian Douglass Regional Technical Forum February 18, 2015
Overview Today we are seeking a sunset date extension for clothes washers and (potentially) adoption of the updated savings analysis: Measure overview Changes to the standard and efficiency specifications Summary of updates to the analysis Summary of updated savings, cost, and cost-effectiveness Note: In April, we expect to bring back this measure with updated savings to better align with the new clothes dryer measure proposal coming BPA requested this interim update for their implementation manual 2
Residential Clothes Washer Residential Clothes Washer Measure Overview Baseline Type: Current Practice Current Category: Proven Current Status: Active Current Sunset Date: February 28,
New Standard, ENERGY STAR Specs, CEE Tiers 4 Modified Energy Factor*Water Factor* * Starting in 2015, washers are rated using IMEF (Integrated Modified Energy Factor) and IWF (Integrated Water Factor) instead of MEF and WF. A relationship derived from DOE data is used to convert IMEFs and IWFs to MEFs and WFs here, in order to compare the previous specifications to the new.
Summary of Updates Integrated new federal standard, ENERGY STAR specs, and CEE Tiers into savings and incremental cost calculations Updated list of registered clothes washers from California Energy Commission (CEC) database Considered two Current Practice baselines – one for top- load, one for front-load; but ended up using single baseline encompassing both Note: Incremental cost methodology unchanged. During larger update in April will look to update costs using other data sources, such as PacifiCorp program data. 5
Updated Measure Specification “The installation of a(n) ENERGY STAR Top-Loading, ENERGY STAR Front-Loading, CEE Tier 1, CEE Tier 2, or CEE Tier 3 clothes washer. Qualifying ENERGY STAR washers must be standard capacity units (greater than 2.5 cu. ft.) meeting or exceeding the version 7.0 specification. Qualifying CEE washers must meet the latest CEE specification approved on December 18, 2014 and effective March 7, Programs using the ENERGY STAR clothes washer measures may not also use the CEE Tier measures, and vice versa.” 6
Current Practice Baseline Assumption Difficult to know what the efficient case penetration will be in the baseline at the onset of the new standard and EE specs Previous analysis used ENERGY STAR (v6.1) penetration from BPA sales data (54%) to form baseline – Does this assumption still hold for the new ENERGY STAR spec (v7.0)? – CAT thinks this is likely the upper bound of what the penetration could be for the new v7.0 spec – ENERGY STAR v6.1 penetration in CEC at this time was around 75-80% CEC database shows ENERGY STAR v7.0 penetration of 31% This presentation shows savings, cost, and TRC B/C results for two ENERGY STAR penetration assumptions (31% and 54%) – RTF judgment is required 7 RTF Judgment Required Ahead
Updated Savings (kWh) 8 * *”Any ENERGY STAR” measure shown for comparison purposes only.
UES Breakdown This is how the clothes washer UES breaks down… 9 ~ 60% ~ 35% ~ 5% Note: Savings shown for electric dryer, electric water heating
Updated Costs ($) 10 * *”Any ENERGY STAR” measure shown for comparison purposes only.
Updated TRC B/C Ratios 11 *”Any ENERGY STAR” measure shown for comparison purposes only. *
Proposed Motion “I __________________ move to: extend the sunset date to June 30, (and) approve the updates to the Residential Single Family Clothes Washer UES measure assuming an ENERGY STAR penetration of ___%.” 12