Www.dot.state.pa.us Specification Changes Pub 408/2011 Changes 1 & 2 District 8-0 Winter Construction School February 23rd, 2012 Linda Atkinson Bureau.


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Presentation transcript:

Specification Changes Pub 408/2011 Changes 1 & 2 District 8-0 Winter Construction School February 23rd, 2012 Linda Atkinson Bureau of Project Delivery (BOPD) Innovation & Support Services Division (ISSD) Construction Quality Assurance Section (CQAS)

405 Bit. Pavement Longitudinal Joint Density 408/2011 Initial Edition New Section –This new section is for Incentive/Disincentive of bituminous pavement longitudinal joint densities RPS projects Standard paving projects on the NHS Requires separate “Dollar” item be established Requires separate Lots be established for the joint density acceptance Lot =12,500 lf 5 sublots of 2,500 lf Requires a Quality Control Strip on 1 st day of abutting pavement Initial Edition Effective April 1, 20112

PTM 729 and PTM 746 PTM 729-Sampling Roadway Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Cores) –Includes examples of the longitudinal joint core –Security of Samples PTM 746-Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures (Loose Box) –Security of Samples 3

601 Pipe Culverts 408/2011 Initial Edition 601.3(n) Final Inspection of Pipes Except 100 Year Design Life Pipes –This Subsection provides inspection requirements for pipes other than those having 100 year design life 601.3(o) Final Inspection of 100 Year Design Life Pipes –This Subsection provides inspection requirements for pipes with 100 year design life 601.3(p) Remediation –Provides remediation requirements resulting from deficiencies found during inspection PTM 450

105 Control of Work 408/2011 Change Acceptance of Construction Loadings and Material Stockpiling on Bridges – New Subsection –Requires PE submission(s) for staged equipment and material stockpiles to be used on bridges –Submissions to be accepted prior to work Individual Material Stockpiles Multiple Material Stockpiles Combination of Material and Equipment Crane Placement Change 1 Effective October 7, 20114

Steel Bridge Superstructure 1080 Prestressed Concrete Bridge Superstructure (c)3 Erection Procedure (c) Erection –Revised to require a PA Professional Engineer to sign and seal erection drawings New Quality Assurance Review Area –COR Bridge Construction Loadings –1 per District per year Change 1 Effective October 7, 20115

350 Subbase 408/2011 Change (b) General –Added a requirement to submit a Subbase Delivery Plan prior to placement operations Required for quantities greater than 1,500 tons –Equipment –Delivery –Placement Operations Change 1 Effective October 7, 20116

483 Micro-surfacing 408/2011 Change 1 New Section –This new section is for Polymer-Modified Emulsified Asphalt Paving System (Micro-surfacing) To fill ruts and/or resurface existing pavements Includes mix design, equipment, surface preparation, placement, and sampling/testing requirements Change 1 Effective October 7, 20117

514 Diamond Grinding of Concrete Pavement 408/2011 Change (b) Grinding –Prohibits grinding within 2 feet of existing curb, bridge barrier or roadway barrier –Requires newly sealed longitudinal or transverse joints placed under current contract damaged by diamond grinding to be replaced at no additional cost to Department –Prohibits slurry to be wasted in Department Right-of- Way Change 1 Effective October 7, 20118

514 Diamond Grinding of Concrete Pavement 408/2011 Change (e) Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation –Added this new Subsection which requires all concrete pavement rehabilitation work to be completed prior to diamond grinding operations –Requires ride quality evaluation in accordance with Section in/mile for posted speeds >45 mph 90 in/mile for posted speeds ≤45 mph Change 1 Effective October 7, 20119

521 Transverse Joint Cleaning and Sealing 408/2011 Change Construction –Clarified the need to completely remove all existing joint sealing material neoprene compression seals, to provide a clean, newly exposed concrete surface Change 1 Effective October 7,

643 Temporary Concrete Barrier, Structure Mounted 408/2011 Change Description –Added the use of pin connected drop-pin anchors 643.2(d) Pin Connected Drop-Pin Anchor –New Subsection, material requirements and components for drop-pin anchor, connection pin, and plate washer 643.3(c) Pin Connected Drop-Pin Anchor –New Subsection, installation as per BC-719M Change 1 Effective October 7,

BC-719 Temporary Concrete Barrier, Structure Mounted October 2010 Change 1 Effective October 7,

Latex Modified Mortar Or Concrete Wearing Surface 408/2011 Change (f)3.b Acceptance Testing –Requirement changed from 7 days to 5 days at the same 3000 psi to have the number of days for compressive strength match what is in the Physical Properties Table in (f) Change 1 Effective October 7,

409 Construction of Plant-Mixed HMA Courses 408/2011 Change (h)2.b Mixture Acceptance Samples –Added language to allow a maximum of one loose box sample per sublot for quality control mixture composition testing –Prohibits any loose box, core or any other samples to be obtained by the Contractor after mixture acceptance samples are obtained 409.3(j)4.c Density Acceptance Samples –Added language to allow a maximum of one core per sublot for quality control density testing –Prohibits any core or any other samples to be obtained by the Contractor after density acceptance samples are obtained Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

515 Sawing and Sealing of Bituminous Overlays 408/2011 Change (a) General –Clarified the need to locate and reference each end of existing transverse joints –Quality Control Plan to be submitted at least 21 days prior to referencing operations –Added a ± 1” tolerance 515.3(b) Sawing –Requires sawing when the pavement temperature has cooled below 140 F and within 7 days of wearing course –Added a ± 1” tolerance –Defective if tolerance not met Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

704 Cement Concrete 408/2011 Change 2 Table A –Added Class AAAP for Bridge Decks Lowered the Minimum 7-Day Mix Design Strength requirement from 3,600 to 3,000 psi Has a 28-Day Minimum Mix Design Strength requirement of 4,000 psi –Note #4 eliminates the use of class AAA for Concrete Decks 704.1(f)2 Mixing Conditions – During Hot Weather –Added accelerated concrete placement temperatures, at time of placement, to be 50 to 100 F Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

706 Concrete Bonding Compound 408/2011 Change (a)1 General – Application/Operation Specific Types –Added Type V for use in load bearing applications where bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete is conducted Non-Epoxy Bonding Compound –Changed title to Other Bonding Compound Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

Cement Concrete Structures 408/2011 Change (m)1 Connections of Existing and New Concrete, Terms –Added the definition for hardened concrete (m)2 Connections of Existing and New Concrete, General –Non Load Bearing (Type 2) –Load Bearing (Type 5) Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

Cement Concrete Structures 408/2011 Change (k)6 Placing and Finishing Concrete, Bridge Decks –Revised the 7-day wet cure to 14 days and removed the white membrane cure requirement (p) Curing and Protection of Concrete –Added for bridge decks: Curing Days 1 through 7 – Don’t count it as a curing day if temperature drops below 50F Curing Days 8 through 14 – Don’t count it as a curing day if temperature drops below 40F Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

Cement Concrete Structures 408/2011 Change (q)1, Table A Removal of Falsework and Forms –Added Class AAAP concrete with a minimum strength of 3000 psi and changed the AA requirement from 2730 psi to 2750 psi for removing falsework that supports something (arches, box culverts, pier caps, etc) Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012

711 Concrete Curing Material & Admixtures 408/2011 Change (c) Concrete Admixtures – Shipment –Added “bags” in conjunction with drums, in bulk etc… 711.3(g) Concrete Admixtures – Fibers for Plastic Shrinkage Cracking –New Subsection to include Fibers for Plastic shrinkage cracking Change 2 Effective April 6, 2012