3-5 ELD: Identify and describe figurative language Partner share Learning Objective: Review personification in literary works. Describe a movie where a toy comes to life. 3-5 ELD: Identify and describe figurative language Allow students to P/S and call on non-volunteer
Personification in literary works Partner share Learning Objective: What are we going to define today? Describe a movie where a toy comes to life. Personification in literary works Allow students to P/S and call on non-volunteer
Tell your partner your favorite cartoon/story character that is not human APK
Personification Personification- Giving human qualities or actions to something that is not human. Example- Walking desks took over the town. Non Example- The lion ran over the prairie. Concept Development Give students definition and example. Have students P/S the meaning of personification. Call on non-volunteers Ask how does the example show personification? Give non-example
Steps to define personification Step 1- Read the passage or statement. Step 2- Identify what is being personified. Step 3- Identify how the subject is being personified. Step 4- Determine meaning of the personification Cars dance across the icy road. 2. The sun kissed the flowers. Cars dance means the cars drifted The sun shined on the flowers Review steps and model as you review each step. Use TAPPLE and RAJ to check for understanding cars sun as Is personified by using the verb… dance kissed
Steps to define personification Step 1- Read the passage or statement. Step 2- Identify what is being personified. Step 3- Identify how the subject is being personified. Step 4- Determine meaning of the personification The washer gurgled the detergent. Opportunity began to knock on my door. The washer dissolved the detergent. Luck is coming your way. Review steps and model as you review each step. Use Tapple and Raj to check for understanding washer opportunity as Is personified by using the verb gurgled knock
Steps to define personification Step 1- Read the passage or statement. Step 2- Identify what is being personified. Step 3- Identify how the subject is being personified. Step 4- Determine meaning of the personification 1. Snow had wrapped a white blanket over the city. 2. The flowers were crying for my attention. There was snow all over the city The flowers needed attention snow flowers as Review steps and model as you review each step. Is personified by using the verb wrapped cried
Closure What did we define today Why is it important 1. The radio sprang to life at the touch of a button. 2.The stars winked at me. The radio sounds great at the push of the button. The stars were very bright. radio stars as Review steps and model as you review each step. Is personified by using the verb winked sprang Step 1- Read the passage or statement. Step 2- Identify what is being personified. Step 3- Identify how the subject is being personified. Step 4- Determine meaning of the personification
as Step 1- Read the passage or statement. Step 2- Identify what is being personified. Step 3- Identify how the subject is being personified. Step 4- Determine meaning of the personification as Is personified by using the verb… (print out for students’ whiteboards)