An energy-smart clothes washer can save more water in one year than one person drinks in an entire lifetime.
An automatic dishwasher uses less hot water than doing dishes by hand --an average of six gallons less, or more than 2,000 gallons per year.
An American family of four uses up to 260 gallons of water in the home per day.
America uses about 15 times more energy per person than the typical developing country.
A heavy coat of dust on a light bulb can block up to half of the light.
A crack as small as 1/16th of an inch around a window frame can let in as much cold air as leaving the window open three inches.
A compact fluorescent light bulb uses 75 percent less energy than a regular bulb and it can last up to four years.
Every year, more than $13 billion worth of energy leaks from houses through small holes and cracks. That's more than $150 per family.
Office buildings use approximately 19 percent of all energy consumed in the United States.
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection estimates that Massachusetts’ businesses threw away 1.6 million tons of paper in 2006, at a cost of $100 million for disposal.
In a lifetime, the average American will throw away 600 times his or her adult weight in garbage. This means that each adult will leave a legacy of 90,000 pounds of trash for his or her (or other people's) children.
A hot water faucet that leaks one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month. That's more than one person uses in two weeks.