Electrical Power The rate at which electrical energy is converted to another form of energy. Thermal, Light, Motion…
Electrical Power Power = current x voltage P = I x V The units for power: watts (W)
Electrical Power All appliances have a power rating to tell how much power it uses. [
Standard Voltage in the US is 120 V: [ P = 240 W P = 2.0 A x 120 V
Electrical Energy The amount of power that is used over a given time. Energy = Power x Time
Electrical Energy Electric companies normally use the kilowatt-hour to charge for energy. Remember: 1 kilowatt is 1000 watts!
MN is about 12 cents/kWh (When Taxes are Included)
[ = $82.56 x $0.12 per kWh 688 kWh used May 1st May 31st
Electrical Energy Example: How much does it cost to run an XBOX 360 (160 W) for 3 hours a day for an entire month? 30 days x 3 hours = 90 hours
Electrical Energy Energy = 160 W x 90 h Energy = Wh or 14.4 kWh Each kWh in MN is 11 cents so… 14.4 kWh x $0.11 = $1.58 per month Click Here for Xcel Energy Calculators
Average % of Energy Usage in a Home
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