In the land of Ganges…
…only 2 per cent of 1.2 billion Indians own a washing machine. A lifetime experience - watching people wash clothes on the banks of river Ganges A lesson for all new players planning to enter the Indian market russell davies: Great start. Makes me instantly realise that the rules are different here. russell davies: Great start. Makes me instantly realise that the rules are different here.
Laundry Care – An overview The Indian fabric wash market consists of synthetic detergents (comprising bars, powder and liquids) and oil-based laundry soaps Per capita consumption of detergent in India (2.7 kg pa) is lower than any other country Laundry care current value sales grew 5% in over to Rs billion Laundry care forecast to grow at modest 2% CAGR from 2005 to 2010 to Rs billion
Popular brands
A closer look The synthetic detergent market can be classified into premium (Surf, Ariel), mid-price (Rin, Henko, Tide) and popular segments (Nirma, Wheel, Mr. Clean) –They account for 15%, 40% and 45% of the market respectively, which is only 60 per cent of the total market –Regional and small unorganized players still account for a significant 40% of the total detergent market The product category is fairly mature and is dominated by two players, HLL and Nirma –Nirma, Henkel and regional brands have grown in double digits –Hindustan Lever Ltd and Procter & Gamble have witnessed lower volume growth of 5-6% russell davies: This is all good. Good overview. russell davies: This is all good. Good overview.
From bars to powders Upgradation from bars to powders. So companies are actively pushing powder detergents Fragrance is the main differentiation in laundry detergents and laundry aids Laundry aids is growing fastest in current value terms To gain lion’s share of the market and enter the rural market, most brands are introducing lower price sachet packs russell davies: Good too. russell davies: Good too.
‘Eco-Friendly’ enters India Eco-Friendly (considering that as the brand name) must have two different products in its portfolio: Premium & Mid-range –Premium: Liquid format –Mid-range: Powder format The premium range to target urban dwellers with washing machine Mid-range for semi-urban/rural dwellers with an extra product benefit - less water to rinse, acts as a starch, cloth softener Play the price game carefully. Remember we’re value seekers Eco-friendly packaging made from recycled Plastic or Tin container. Measuring cup inside every pack. russell davies: Specific, practical thoughts. Good ideas. russell davies: Specific, practical thoughts. Good ideas.
Eco-Friendly – Always a garment’s friend russell davies: Not sure you need this. I guess it might depend what you said over it, but it doesn’t feel like part of the argument. russell davies: Not sure you need this. I guess it might depend what you said over it, but it doesn’t feel like part of the argument.
For a friendly cause Everyone wants to market their brand. Eco-Friendly wants too. But differently We’re Eco-Friendly. Our approach is always friendly We’re friends to the 15 million washman families across India –Washmen are our brand evangelists –We help create opportunities, jobs for them –They tell their customers, “We’re Eco-Friends” We’re friend to the River Ganges. We stand for the “Save Ganges” Movement. A movement that will save the river from water pollution, desalting, cleaning russell davies: Great. Two smart, locally relevant and distinctive ideas. Very good. russell davies: Great. Two smart, locally relevant and distinctive ideas. Very good.
Thank you russell davies: Thank you. russell davies: Thank you.