Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? (Period 1)
Free talk: What chores do people usually do? Lean-in
make the bed What chores do people do every day?
sweep the floor What chores do you do every day?
fold the clothes What chores do you do every day?
take out the trash What chores do you do every day?
do the dishes What chores do you do every day?
do the laundry What chores do you do every day?
clean the living room What chores do you do ?
Expressions take out the trash do the dishes sweep the floor do the laundry make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room 取出垃圾 洗餐具 清扫地板 洗衣服 整理床铺 折叠衣服 清扫起居室
1a Pairwork Do you do these chores at home? Discuss with your partner. take out the trash do the dishes sweep the floor do the laundry make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room Do you like taking out the trash? Yes, I do.
Find 4 chores Peter will do
1. sweep the floor 2. take out the trash 3. do the dishes 4. do the laundry
How to make polite requests Could you please do …?
Task 4 Could you please sweep the floor?
Task 4 Could you please …?
ChoresPeter’s motherPeter do the dishes sweep the floor take out the trash make your bed fold your clothes clean the living room
Listen and fill in the blanks. Grandma is coming over at 7:00. Mother and Peter are going to clean the house. Mother is going to _____________ and_____________. Peter is going to _________________ _____________ and ____________. Besides, Mom is going to _______________________. do the dishes sweep the floor take out the trash make his bed fold his clothes clean the living room
Tapescript Mom: Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming over at 7:00. Peter: Okay, but I need to do my homework first. Mom: Yes, that’s right. After you finish your homework, let’s clean the kitchen. I can do the dishes and
sweep the floor. Could you take out the trash? Peter: Yes, sure. Mom: Good. And could you make your bed and fold your clothes? Peter: All right. Mom: And let’s see … I can clean the living room.
wash the car water the flowers feed the dog / cat / fish set the table make dinner
More typical chores: 1. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket 2. Sweep or vacuum (用吸尘器打扫) 3. Mow the lawn (割草) 4. Weed the garden (除去花园中的杂草) 5. Dust the house (去掉房屋里的灰尘)
2a& 2b Peter wants to … Peter’s father says … His father’s reasons go to the movies __ yes __ noI have to go to a meeting. stay out late __ yes __ no You have to clean your room. use the car__ yes __ noI need to eat breakfast. get a ride__ yes __ noYou have a test tomorrow. √ √ √ √ Check ( √ ) yes or no and draw lines
Listen and Fill in the chart Peter can______________ But he can’t ____________ , because he ____________. Peter ___ use the car , because his father__________ But his father can ______________. go to the movies can’t stay out late give him a ride has a test has a meeting
Tapescript Peter: Hey, Dad? Dad: Yes? Peter: Could I go to the movies tonight ? Dad: I guess so. But don’t stay out late. Peter: Could I stay out until eleven? Dad: No, you can’t. You have a test tomorrow, remember?
Peter: Oh, yeah. Well, could I use the car? Dad: Sorry, but I need it. I have to go to a meeting. Peter: Could you give me a ride downtown? Dad: Sure.
Student A: make a polite request or ask for permission..Student B: Say “yes” or “no”. If you say ”no”, give a reason.
Samples: A: Could I use your computer? B: Sorry. I’m going to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, you can. But first you have to clean your room.
Discussion: 去春游的前一天,你有什么事 情需要请求组长允许或征求其他 组员的意见的吗?
Things you ask for permission ( Could I do … ?) 1. go there with my little brother 2. wear my own clothes 3. play cards on the bus 4. swim there.