Goop By: Kayli Casey
Problem My problem is What materials work best to make goop, and can it go quickly from a liquid to a solid and then back to a liquid when not moving. The reason I picked this project is because I thought goop was an interesting topic.
Hypothesis My hypothesis is that laundry borax would work the best because when dealing with powder laundry soap I have noticed if you get it damp it becomes sticky. So I think if you add glue it will be more of in a solid state already.
Materials Laundry Borax 1 cup of laundry 1 cup of water or until covering borax 2 tablespoons of white glue Corn Starch 1 cup of corn starch 1 cup of water 2 tablespoons of white glue
Procedure Mix all materials together and then move each mixture and then record which mixture went to the solid form the fastest.
Results My end result was that laundry borax did not work as I thought it would. Corn starch came out the best and yes it did go from a liquid to a solid. My hypothesis was wrong and I think that is was because the corn starches was smoother so it grouped together easier.
Conclusion My conclusion is that my hypothesis was wrong and that Corn starch worked best.
Work Cited Wikipedia m Google Images