Voluntary instruments Daniel Hajek
1.Environmental labelling 2.EMAS 3.Cleaner productions 4.Green public procurement 5.Voluntary agreements Voluntary instruments
Ecolabelling – I. type The National Programme for Labelling Environmentally friendly products and services Government Decision No. 159/1993 Programme of EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 in the Czech Republic.
Coexistence of the Programmes Based on same principals – ISO Same procedures of awarding process Harmonization of criteria wherever it is possible Manufacturers can gain both the (Environmentally Friendly Product / Service) and the EU Ecolabel (The Flower)
Involved institutions Ministry of the Environment guarantor of the program overall design and management, coherence with other policies publication of the newly approved technical guidelines / criteria final approval and signature CENIA – Ecolabelling agency ensure the preparation and processing of criteria registers and handles registration of applicants provides applicants and other interested parties information support system keep a register of experts and specialized habitats, authorized and accredited testing laboratories Others Czech Environmental Inspectorate universities laboratories and technical institutes
Awarding process Applicant CENIA MoE Send Application letter/ On-line form Submit all relevant documents Pay fee(s) Check conformity with criteria Help applicant Send a final report and certificate Send / give a signed certificate Sign a contract
Other activities 1.Promotional activities public survey new web site project from „ Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme“ new promotional documents 2.Strategic discussion
Ecolabelling The development of the directives, companies and licenses
Ecolabelling The development of the companies and licenses – EU Ecolabel in the CZ
Ecolabelling – II. and III. type National Program of Environmental labelling Government Decision No. 26 and 356/2007 Self-declared environmental claims Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
Involved institutions Ministry of the Environment guarantor of the program CENIA registers and handles registration Czech Accreditation Institute National accreditation body - gives accreditation „Sectoral operator“ Product Category Rules Independent Verifier validate products
Process CAI CENIA MoE Sectoral operator Independent verifier Applicant Information PCR Validation accreditation registration Information
Environmental labelling type II. and III. Self-declared environmental claims 0 Environmental Product Declarations 31
EPD - activities CENDEC - Centre for Environmental Declarations was established (civil association) the aim of the Centre is the operation of the EPD and expand the use of the concept of life cycle assessment of environmental impacts
EMAS Czech Republic has introduced EMAS through a "national program" in 1998 (now the Government Resolution No 651/2002). After joining EU in 2004 – rules are given directly by European legislation, currently Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009.
Involved institutions Ministry of the Environment guarantor of the program CENIA – EMAS agency registers and handles registration Czech Environmental Inspectorate gives its position Czech Accreditation Institute gives accreditation Environmental Verifier – auditor validate companies
EMAS Council Czech Acreditation Institute Financial Funds Czech Environmental Inspectorate EMAS Agency OrganizationThe Public Environmental Verifier information standpoint information finance information registration acreditation Validated Environmental Statement validation
EMAS Numbers of Enterprises
EMAS - activities Financial incentive Ministry of the Environment Revolving Fund (6 projects) Legislative incentive Law for public procurement Law on prevention of environmental damage and its remedy
Cleaner Production Cleaner production projects are implemented in the Czech Republic since the early nineties of the last century. Cleaner production was formally established by signing the International Declaration on Cleaner Production in the 1998 and the establishment of National Cleaner Production Programme (Government Resolution No. 165/2000).
Cleaner Production Incentives Financial Ministry of the Environment Revolving Fund Czech Republic implemented two major projects focusing on cleaner production, among which was the initial assessment of sustainable consumption and production in 20 companies and dozens of trained consultants.
Cleaner Production National Cleaner Production Programme was enrolled by one hundred companies, Subjects can use the services of 60 trained consultants. (The total number of projects, including unregistered companies, applying cleaner production is higher)
Green public procurement In the next episode (tomorrow)
Voluntary agreements Ministry of the Environment signed approximately 40 voluntary agreements only 4 or 5 are the true voluntary agreements state (MoE) has nothing to offer problems with enforceability and the fulfillment of the principles for Agreements
Examples of voluntary agreements Agreement with association of laundry detergent producers on the gradual reduction of the impact of laundry detergents on the environment Agreement with Czech Dental Chamber on the reduction water pollution by amalgam from health facilities
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