1 Citizen’s Housing and Planning Association EOEA Housing Presentation Planning for Elder Housing Needs October 8, 2013 Presented by: Duamarius Stukes, EOEA’s Housing & Assisted Living Director Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA)
The Commonwealth’s dedication to community-based supports is embodied in the “Community First Olmstead Plan”. Community First serves as a strategy and action plan for ensuring that elders with disabilities ( who collectively make up more than 20% of the Massachusetts population ) have access to community living opportunities that address each individual's diverse needs, abilities and backgrounds by expanding, strengthening and integrating community-based long-term supports. Expand access to affordable and accessible housing with supports. Improve the coordination of long-term supports within affordable housing. Increase access to affordable housing with long-term supports. Increase availability of accessible low-income housing stock. 2 Community First – A Vision for the Future
Housing For Seniors 3 RENT – OWN PRIVATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HOUSING & RENTAL ASSISTANCE Private Homes 667 Supportive & Congregate HUD 202’s / 811’s (<62 ) ALR CCRC
Over the next 20 years, Massachusetts population growth will occur almost entirely in the 60+ age groups Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections Projected Changes in Population 4
EOEA Housing with Supports Programs 5 HousingCurrent Units Supportive Housing Program (Public Housing) 4,587 Congregate Housing (Public Housing) 571 ALR Certificate Program (Private Market) 13,691 CCRC (Private Market) 3,000
Supportive Housing Program Goal: Improve the integration of assisted living-like services into affordable housing developments that have units targeted to low- income elders and persons with disabilities. This model has proven to be a flexible and responsive approach that can handle episodic service needs while at the same time focusing on the strengths and needs of each individual. SHP units are located in State and Federal Public Housing Developments throughout Massachusetts. Currently 31 sites with 4,791 total residents; 19 Aging Services Access Points (ASAP’s) coordinate services for all residents in 31 sites. 6
Supportive Housing Program Services Case management services and assessment; 24 Hour On-call assistance – available for urgent response (also available to provide scheduled personal care services for qualifying residents); One or two meals daily -usually using the Federal Title III meals programs; Structured social activities – Medication reminders; Service coordination – Homemaker services and laundry; 7
Congregate Housing Program Goal: Increase self-sufficiency through the provision of supportive services in a residential setting while providing an alternative housing option for elders and the disabled. The program is designed to prevent premature or unwanted institutionalization while maximizing the functional independence of individuals as they age by providing safe, affordable and sanitary dwelling units with private living space in a supportive living environment. 49 sites with 494 residents; Not a nursing home nor a medical care facility; Eligibility requirements are as follows: at least 60 years of age or disabled and have applied to a local housing authority and meet the financial guidelines of the state or federal public housing program. Individuals may or may not have a physical and/or cognitive disability, but can participate in a shared living environment. 8
Congregate Housing Program Services Services are made available to aid residents in managing Activities of Daily Living in supportive, but custodial environment. It does not offer 24 hour care and supervision. Each resident has a private bedroom, but shares one or more of the following: kitchen facilities, dining facilities, and/or bathing facilities. 9
Assisted Living Residence Certification Program Goal: Continue to provide routine re-certification site visits as well as investigations when necessary to all ALRs. The certification process not only takes into consideration the residential model of privacy, autonomy and individual rights but also provides oversight to help ensure that frail elders’ needs and rights are addressed. 213 Assisted Living Residences across the state; with 13,700 residents The Office of Elder Affairs certifies Assisted Living Residences in Massachusetts and offers the Assisted Living Ombudsman Program to provide advocacy, information and complaint resolution to consumers. ALR’s are one of the most rapidly growing forms of residential long- term care in Massachusetts. 10
Assisted Living Residence Certification Program - Continued Intended for adults who may need some help with daily activities and for people would like the security of having assistance available on a 24 hour basis in a residential and non-institutional environment. Residents have the right to make choices in all aspects of their lives. ALR’s Offers a combination of housing, meals and personal care services to adults on a rental basis. Personal care such as bathing and dressing and household management such as meals and housekeeping are provided. ALR’s do not provide medical or nursing services. 11
Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) Goal: Continue to maintain CCRC’s as an alternative to other existing senior housing. These communities are unique because they offer services necessary to “age in place” by providing housing, personal care and health services in one location. In other words, as a person’s personal and health care needs change, they’re able to remain in the CCRC. Currently 37 CCRCs serve over 3,000 residents ; 17 have assisted living residences on campus; CCRC’s provide housing, personal services and health care, usually at one location with a variety of housing types that allow residents to age in place as their health care and personal service needs change over time. Most CCRC’s require a sizable declining-refundable entrance fee, ranging from less than $100,000 to more then $300,
Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) Services Nursing and other health services; Meals usually in a community dining area; Housekeeping; Scheduled transportation; Emergency assistance ; Personal care assistance; Recreational and social activities; Personal care assistance (bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting); 24 hour security; Building and grounds maintenance; 13
EOEA’s Agency Networks Councils on Aging – 349 municipal organizations linking elders with information and services to promote their healthy aging. Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) – 27 non-profit agencies that conduct clinical assessments, provide case management, develop service plans, and monitor the health and well-being of frail individuals receiving Long-term Care (LTC) services. Area Agencies on Aging – 23 federally designated regional agencies that plan and coordinate aging services. Aging and Disability Resource Consortia (ADRCs) – New model for providing information and referral and assistance services to elders, and their caregivers as well as people with disabilities. Currently 11 consortia. MassHealth and other service providers (i.e., SCO/PACE/GAFC). 14
Agency Network Services ◊Personal Care ◊Home Health Aide ◊Supportive Home Care Aide ◊Homemaker ◊Respite ◊Companion ◊Skilled Nursing ◊Chore ◊Environmental Accessibility Adaptations ◊Grocery Shopping/Delivery Services ◊Home Delivered Meals ◊Laundry Services ◊Protective Services ◊Ombudsman ◊Care Management 15 ◊Personal Emergency Response System ◊Supportive Day Program ◊Transitional Assistance ◊Transportation ◊Adult Day Health ◊Behavioral Health Services ◊Habilitation Therapy ◊Nutritional Assessment ◊Occupational Therapy ◊Information & Resources (I&R) ◊SHINE ◊Options Counseling ◊Caregiver Support ◊Care Coordination
Thank You Duamarius Stukes, Director of Housing & Assisted Living Programs Executive Office of Elder Affairs One Ashburton Place, 5 th Floor Additional Info can be found at: 16