Score Keeper Training Kansas City Youth Lacrosse Assn. Prepared by Jack Yates
The Score Sheet Three Part Form o Original for league, copy for each team Information limited to what league needs to capture o Names of bench officials o Names of teams, including program, age/grade, names and numbers of players, who scored goals, personal fouls, running score o Score verification by bench and field officials. o Accurate copies require firm pressure with ball point pens provided. o Keep forms dry if at all possible. Umbrella, laundry bag, whatever you can do. o No objection to collecting other information (ground balls, nature of foul, saves, shots attempted, face off wins, etc.), but that must be done by someone else. That takes at least one spotter, and better captured by others.
Step 1 Names and Numbers Report to Table 15 minutes before game starts. Collect Rosters from head coaches or field manager. o If not available, advise officials roster(s) not received. This will result in a delay of game penalty. o Obtain from coaches the names/numbers of InHome (must be a starting attackman), and Goalie. Enter InHome’s name and number on top line and Goalie’s name and number on bottom line. If this has not been done by Field Manager, enter information on top lines: Date, Field name, Scorer’s Name, Time Keeper’s Name, Home Team and Visiting Team. o Please identify the team by organization (Brookside=BS, Blue Valley=BV, Leawood=LW, Lees Summit=LS, Mill Valley=MV, Northland=NL, Olathe=OL, Pembroke Hill=PH, Prairie Village=PV, Raymore-Peculiar=RP, and St. Paul’s=SP), coach’s last name, uniform color and division (U-11, 5, 6, 7 or 8). Example: PV8 Fryer (Red).
Step 1 Enter remaining player information. o It is best to list players by ascending jersey number as it makes it easier to locate the proper line when scoring. o If short on time, do just numbers, and come back during stoppage of play to enter last name and at least first letter of first name.
Step 2 Keeping Score Goal Scored: Put tally mark (|) next to name in Goals column, and a slash mark (\) on the running score line below player names. o Be sure number of tally marks is the same as the running score line. o If Own Goal, e.g. goalie drops ball into goal, or accidently kicked into goal by defensive player, add a player name “Own Goal” and put tally mark next to that and record on running score line. o If unsure who scored the goal, ask the coach of the offensive team. o Do not score goal until the officials are ready to start play or if there is a flag down on the play, as goals can be waved off if shooter in the crease, ball did not go in and the official made a mistake when calling it a goal, or ball had not crossed goal line before time expired in the period.
Step 2 Keeping Score Fouls Assessed. Applies only to Personal Fouls, most easily defined as those called where the assessed penalty if 1minute or more. o If any question that the foul was a personal foul, ask the official before play resumes. o These are tracked by slash mark through the number in the PFouls column. o When player is assessed second personal foul, advise player’s coach that he has two fouls, and that he will foul out with third foul. o If player fouls out, put a line through players name and entries to indicate he is out of the game and put F.O. in space adjacent to player’s line. Player Ejection: If a player is ejected from a game, put a line through his name, with an “E” next to his line and write a brief description in space at bottom of his team’s portion of the score sheet.
Step 2 Keeping Score Recording Team Time Out o Each team has two time outs per half and one time out per OT period. o When a team calls a time out, put a slash line through the number in the Time Out row of that team’s side of the sheet. Four Goal Differential o Once there is a four goal differential between the score of the two teams, the team behind has the option of either taking the face off or taking possession of the ball at mid-field. o Once the four goal differential is reached, you should advise the near-side official of the differential. Once it is less than 4, advise the official that the differential is less than 4.
Step 3 Verifying Entries Your score sheet is the official record of the game. o At the end of every quarter, confer with the timekeeper who is from the other team, that your sheet accurately reflects the score to that point in the game. o The officials will often check with you between periods to make sure his tally and yours match. Yours is the official score. Obtain signatures of two officials, time keeper and you. This is the final verification.
Step 4: Distributing Copies Each score sheet is in three parts: Original, and two copies. o Original is given to field manager/bench official, who will retain the original as the official record of the game. o Deliver one of the copies to each of the coaches. If they leave before then, give the copies to the field manager or bench official.