Commercial Clothes Washer UES Measure Update Regional Technical Forum February 19, 2014
Commercial Clothes Washer Commercial Clothes Washer Measure Overview Current Category: Proven Current Status: Active Current Sunset Date: March 31, 2015 Reason for Update/Review: Current workbook includes one market segment - commercial laundromats. Snohomish County PUD requested if coin-operated machines in multi-family common areas could be added to the measure workbook. 2
Measure Descriptions Go to the following sections in the Summary tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Measure Properties – Measure Identifiers 3
Summary of Updates Reviewed current workbook to see which parameters in analysis could change between the two market segments. Determined that two parameters could be affected: – Washer cycles per day – Lifetime (EUL) Looked at current DOE Technical Support Document (TSD) for commercial clothes washers 1, and found that the TSD provides estimates of cycles/day and EUL for both laundromats and coin-operated multi-family machines separately (see next slide). 4 1 U.S. DOE's Commercial Clothes Washers Final Rule Technical Support Document: Chapter 8. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis. Accessed at
DOE Technical Support Document 5 Source: U.S. DOE's Commercial Clothes Washers Final Rule Technical Support Document: Chapter 8. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis. Accessed at
Remaining Issues for RTF Discussion No factors identified. 6
Summary of Changes All savings, costs, and cost-effectiveness remain unchanged for laundry measures. Costs are assumed to be constant between laundry and multi-family common area units. Annual savings for multi-family are less than laundromats, given the relative reduction in cycles per day (3.4 versus 6, respectively) Go to the Presentation tab in the proposed measure workbook for graphs of savings, cost, and TRC B/Cs.proposed measure workbook 7
Staff Proposal Approve the addition of multi-family common areas to the commercial clothes washer UES measure analysis 8
Proposed Decision “I _______________ move that the RTF: Approve the addition of multi-family common areas to the commercial clothes washer UES measure analysis.” 9