caTissue 2.0 Architectural and Semantic Challenges June 10 th, 2011
2 Agenda Background Team, laundry Challenges Dynamic Extensions Technology Stack caGrid Query Federated Instance-level Authorization
3 Background: Team NCI/SAIC Leadership Ian Fore: NCI Program Manager Brent Lander: SAIC COTR Project Leadership by Washington University PIs: Rakesh Nagarajan, Mark Watson PM: George Bijoy Development by Persistent Systems Led by Srikanth Adiga and Harsha Gokhale Development by SemanticBits Led by Patrick McConnell and Denis Krylov
4 Background: The Laundry List caGrid user integration GridGrouper integration caGrid writeable API Biospecimen ordering Standard operating procedures MAGE-TAB export CTRP/COPPA integration Subject management/registration integration (ala C3PR and services) Technology stack upgrade and BDAification GSID service (separate effort) and integration CBM (Common Biorepository Model) migration George, please review and edit.
5 Dynamic Extensions Require the capture of different data elements or different value domains Has to happen FAST - not in 3 months or 3 weeks - in 3 days We are here to facilitate research, not hinder it Research generates new data NOW (>=80% of PIs) Researchers want to reuse other researchers DEs NOW Use cases Add a class, or four; add an attribute, or ten How we do it Extend model in particular areas: Participant, Specimen Collection Group, Specimen Save the new extension as XMI Regenerate data model, API via caCORE
6 Technology Stack CBIIT Tech Stack JBoss 5.1.x Java 1.6 caGrid 1.3.x caCORE (missing) CBIIT Tech Stack JBoss 5.1.x Java 1.6 caGrid 1.3.x caCORE (missing) caGrid 1.3 Tech Stack dgebase/caGrid+Software+Co mpatibility+Table JBoss 4.0.5GA Java 1.5 caCORE 4.0/.1.1/.2/.3 caGrid 1.3 Tech Stack dgebase/caGrid+Software+Co mpatibility+Table JBoss 4.0.5GA Java 1.5 caCORE 4.0/.1.1/.2/.3
7 caGrid Query Temporal Query Find patients younger than three years at the time they were registered to the collection protocol Find out the age of the participants as of today Find all the specimens that are to be collected today Generate caGrid query service for DEs Create via click of the button in caTissue Requires enhancements to Introduce?
8 Federated Instance-level Authorization Many, many caBIG applications leverage instance- level security in a common way Protocol/Study/Collection Protocol Experiment Organization Organization + Study (Subject) This is true across CTMS, TBPT, and LS GridGrouper is too generic We need a common way to reference these common instances across organizations