Still and Yet Let’s practice
Read the first part of a dialogue, after that create a question and a negative answer
((do / homework) Have you done your homework yet ? M M M Mom, I will go to play... NNNNo,I still haven’t done it. or NNNNo,I haven’t done it yet.
((panit / balcony) Have you painted the balcony yet ? IIII still haven’t painted it. or IIII haven’t painted it yet. H H H Honey, I’ve finished to paint...
W W W Wash / car Have you washed the car yet ? D Dad, will you give my pocket money ?
DDDDo / the laundry Have you done the laundry yet ? I I I I’ve done all the housework eh...
M M M Make / bed Have you made your bed yet ? M Mom, I will play with my dolls...
r r r read / the whole book Have you read the whole book yet ? T This book is terrific...
s start / diet Have you started your diet yet ? Y You know, I’m fatter and fatter each day, I don’t know what to do..
p prepare / barbecue Have you prepared the barbecue yet ? H Honey, My parents are coming today to have dinner with us..
E Eat / vegetables Have you eaten the vegetables yet ? D Dad, I’ve finished to eat...
d drink / milkshake Have you drunk your milkshake yet ? T This breakfast is delicious...
find / cellphone Have you found your cellphone yet ? o ok let’s go to the party...
take / her / the doctor Have you taken her to the doctor yet ? M My daughter is sick, she has a stomachache...